The Rise of Industries Part 3
Mass Production Mass Production- large scale manufacturing done with machinery. Workers made more and the goods they made cost less. 21 out of 26 families who owned cars did not have bathtubs with running water.
The Assembly Line Dividing simple tasks and cut necessary motion to a minimum. Ford installed the first moving assembly line at a plant in Michigan. By 1925, a Ford car was rolling off the line every 10 seconds.
The Ford Model T In 1908 the model T sold for $850. Because of mass production techniques, by 1914 it sold for $490. Ford increased his workers wages to $5 a day. This built worker loyalty. Cars changed American life forever.
Consumer Products Disposable income- the money that people have after taxes and living expenses. More people had money to go and buy things like perfume, electric razors and frozen foods.
Aviation The Wright brothers had their first successful flight in Airmail was invented in Congress passed the Kelly Act in 1925 authorizing postal officials to hire private plane operators to deliver mail.
The Radio Industry One of the first public broadcasts was in 1920 when Westinghouse Company aired the news of Harding’s election victory. In 1926 NBC set up a network of stations to broadcast daily radio programs.
In what ways did the “Roaring Twenties” consumer culture expand?