Introduction Introduction Importance of Hajj History of Hajj Commemorations Lessons Hajj: The Fifth pillar of Islam
Virtues of Hajj One of the best actions of worship Hajj has no reward but Jannah Total Purification from Sins (as a newborn) It is the Jihaad of women, children, old people, and weak individuals The pilgrims are the Guests of Allah
Conditions of Hajj Islam Sanity Puberty Ability Mahram (for women)
Pillars of Hajj Ihraam Tawaaf Sa’y Arafah
Pillars of Umrah Ihraam Tawaaf Sa’y
Ihraam Obligatory Actions 1- Al-Miqaat 2- Ihraam Garb 3- Talbiyyah Sunnahs of Ihraam 1- Ghusl - 2- Clipping the nails, trimming the mustache, shaving the hair of the armpits and the pubis - 3- Wearing White Ihraam 4- Entering Ihraam after a Faridah or a Naafilah - 5- Repeating Talbiyyah very often – 6 – Making Du’aa and Salaat on the Messenger (S)
Ihraam (cont.) Forbidden ActionsFidyah______ 1- Covering the head for men To fast 3 days 2- Shaving or cutting hair or to feed 6 poor 3- Clipping nails people or to 4- Wearing perfume and seamed clothes, slaughter a sheep socks and shoes 5- Killing or hunting animals of the land A Similar animal 6- Kissing or caressing one’s spouse Slaughter a sheep 7- Marrying someone, getting married, or A lot of Istighfaar asking someone’s hand for marriage 8- Sexual intercourse No compensation and Hajj is Null
Al-Masjid al-Haraam
Al-Masjid an-Nabawi
Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (South)
The Black Stone
Maqaam Ibraahim
Sa’y between as-safaa and al-Marwa