Prof.Shadia Abd Elkader Concept Derivation Prof.Shadia Abd Elkader
Definition and description Concept Derivation consists of moving a concept from one field of inquiry to another field. The strategy of concept derivation is applicable where a meaningful analogy can be made between one field that is conceptually defined and another that is not precisely expressed.
Looking to a defined source or parent field for an analogy to aid in developing a new field of interest, concepts in a new field may be derived. Further, by redefining concepts from the parent field to fit the new field , a new set of concepts is created. Thus, the newly defined concepts no longer rely on the parent field for meaning.
Description of concept Derivation
The meaning of the concept must be developed and changed to fit a new phenomenon.
Concept derivation from Helson to Roy concepts Focal stimulus1 Focal stimulus1 Focal stimulus 2 Transposed to Redefined as Residual stimuli1 Residual stimuli1 Residuals2 Contextual stimuli1 contex1 cont2 Psycho--physics Nursing Nursing
Meaningful redefinition of the concepts when they are transposed into the new field of inquiry are needed. Redefining is more than merely assigning a slightly modified definition to a ward. The type of redefinition that occurs in productive concept derivation requires that the derived concepts be linked to the new field(F2) by definitions that result in a truly innovative ways of looking at phenomena in F2.
Purpose and Uses Purpose of concept derivation is to generate new ideas. It provides a new vocabulary for an area of inquiry relying on an analogous relationship between two phenomena one defined and known, one undefined and under exploration.
By relying on a parent field (F1) for ways of talking about and understanding another F2, the concept development process can be accelerated. There are two situations in which concept derivation can be useful: a- fields or areas where no concept development has yet taken place.
b- Fields in which currently existing concepts have contributed little to advancing inquiry about phenomena of interest.
Procedures of concept derivation Four basic steps comprise the concept derivation strategy: 1- Be familiar with the existing literature related to the topic of interest. This involves not only reading the literature but also critiquing the level and usefulness of the existing concept development found there.
If the existing literature on your topic of interest is lacking in relevant concepts, or if concepts exist but they have ceased to stimulate growth of understanding about the topic, then concept derivation may be suitable as a theory development strategy.
2- Examine other fields for new ways of looking at the topic of interest. Read widely in both related and dissimilar fields because you can not know in advance exactly where the most fruitful analogies will be found. 3- Choose a parent concept or a set of concepts from another field to use ib the derivation process. The parent concept must offer a new and insightful way for an area of interest.
4- Redefine the concept or a set of concepts from the parent field in terms of the topic of interest. For example suppose you were puzzled by some unexpected findings about inconsistencies within hospital workers under stress. You might run to the submarine design for an analogy to understand ‘’compartmentalizing’’ that seemed to be occurring. The submarine syndrome which
Was defined as closing off areas in which an employee was experiencing stress so that these did not interfere with other areas of functioning-analogous to efforts to prevent sinking the submarine. Furthermore, if a set of concepts are being redefined in terms of the topic of interest, these can provide a preliminary taxonomy for describing the basic typesthat the topic of interest.
Made, check these out with colleagues familiar with the topic of interest. Any constructive criticism received, even though momentarily painful, can be very helpful in further refining the initial work. Be sure to give yourself a part on the back at this point.
Procedures of concept derivation