Marine Geography & Biogeography1
2 The Continental Shelf This is the shallowest part of the world’s oceans, and they are the richest biologically Ends at the shelf break
Marine Geography & Biogeography3 Continental Slope & Submarine Canyons Continental slope: precipitous drop off to 3,000-4,000 m. (10,000-16,000 ft) Submarine canyons are created by the movement of glaciers at times of low water
Marine Geography & Biogeography4 Abyssal Plain & Submarine Ridge Abyssal plain: area of level bottom at the base of the continental slope Submarine ridge: underwater mountain ranges (Mid Atlantic ridge)
Marine Geography & Biogeography5 Oceanic Trenches & Volcanic Islands Oceanic Trenches: most border islands in the Pacific range; vary in depth from 7000 m m. Volcanic Island (Seamount): rise singularly out of ocean through volcanic action
Marine Geography & Biogeography6 Habitats & Life Habitats Plankton At the mercy of the winds and currents Phytoplankton Zooplankton Nekton – animals that have the ability to oppose currents. Neuston - area of the water column or animals that live in the air/water interface Benthic - sea bottom Infauna Epifauna
Marine Geography & Biogeography7 Habitats & Life Habitats
Marine Geography & Biogeography8 Pelagic - open sea away from any bottom Neritic Oceanic Habitats & Life Habitats Horizontal zonation Vertical zonation Epipelagic (photic zone) Mesopelagic (disphotic) Bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, and hadalpelagic All are aphotic
Marine Geography & Biogeography10 Habitats & Life Habitats Intertidal or littoral - transition from the marine to terrestrial environment Subtidal or sublittoral - the remaining area of the entire ocean The area from the lowest low tide to the deepest parts of the ocean