AIM FRB Briefing NAVSEA 07TR3 Sandra Wiegmann Submarine Training Systems Division NAVSEA 07TR3 4 Nov 2008
Discussion Points Use of traditional AIM I/II LP/TG content Top 5 AIM Change Requests (ACRs) Electronic classroom and ILT delivery JTA/NJA data and process Innovations on traditional model ILE projects and CPM/LO Module Top 5 AIM/CPM FRM Items Contact Information
Use of Traditional AIM I/II LP/TG Content Training Support Agent for 121 courses of instruction used by the Submarine Training Facilities which provide approximately 400 weeks of training. Funds eight Material Support Activities to maintain technical accuracy of curricula materials. All curricula is maintained and delivered using AIM I and AIM II
Top 5 AIM Change Requests (ACRs) AIM-I – AIM Identify the PPP differences on Import AIM-I – Add capability for “Confidential or NOFORN when filled in” to IG/TG AIM-I – Print TG to PDF AIM-I – Allow header/footer for each page to be user configurable for security marking AIM-I – Generate a warning when approving a course with an unapproved TPS or PPP
Electronic Classroom and ILT Delivery NAVSEA 07TR and CNET were original Co- Chairs of Electronic Classroom Functional Review Board Any NAVSEA course supported by ETM, IETM or NAVY PMS have been linked for use in the Submarine Training Facilities electronic classrooms using Elite presentation software.
JTA/NJA Data and Process SEA 07TR has not directly linked their courses to JTA/NJA data.
Innovations on Traditional Model Working with NUWC Newport and NUWC Keyport to link XML published IETMs to the Common Submarine Radio Room (CSRR) Operator and Maintenance curricula. Developed process of maintaining Fault Insertion Guides in MS Word, publishing to PDF and bringing the FIG into AIM as an IMI. This makes the FIG part of the curricula and ties FIG updates to course changes.
ILE Projects and CPM/LO Module Funded NUWC Keyport to convert legacy SEAWOLF AN/BSY-2 Acoustic and Fire Control equipment training to ILE compatible self paced IMI. IMI was piloted in Aug 07 and has since been delivered to SLC
Top 5 AIM/CPM FRM Items NAVSEA Data Environment (NDE) shall be used as the source for ship’s configuration data Users shall be able to delete an IETM from the CPM database Users shall be able to group IETMs as same IETM even if name is slightly different to create a document group Users shall be able to re-sequence IETMs within a document group in order to indicate correct date/version sequence of IETMs Users shall be able to link one version of an IETM to a previous version of an IETM, to support reporting of an IETM change impact on LOSs
Point of Contact SEA 07TR3 Sandra Wiegmann Submarine Training Systems Division NAVSEA 07TR3 (202)