Submarine Lab
Hand in worksheets Clear your tables except for pen/pencil and your lab handout Take the rest of your stuff to the fume hood and the desk beside it
Pre-Lab Quiz 1)What do you do with leftover chemicals? 2)What does corrosive mean? 3)What does appropriate lab clothing consist of? 4)Which part of your lab report doesn’t have to be in full sentences? 5)After finishing the lab and before leaving you should…
Reagents Take no more than 3 tablespoons of each reagent per group Each group is allowed ONE antacid tablet, use them sparingly (not all at once…)
Hints & Instructions Weigh the canister before it gets wet Procedures: be SYSTEMATIC and change only ONE variable every time to see which reagents actually work Record the volume of the reagents used. Mass can be calculated at home.
More Hints… You need water in your canister or else it’ll be too hard for it to sink Should the hole face up or down? Measure the volume of materials with the measuring spoons At home: find density and calculate mass
Clean Up Once you have 3 successful subs and collected your data, you can clean up Dry reagents can go back in original beakers Otherwise wash down drain with water Clean wet things (Beakers, pennies, canisters) on paper towel on the cart face down Wipe down tabletops and wash your hands with soap
Mass of penny = 2.41 g Mass of empty canister = 7.20 g 4.1 – 4.3 quiz Monday Lab reports due Monday INDIVIDUAL