Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR) Ernesto Chavez
Uranium based nuclear energy is used to produce ~20% of electricity in the US [1]
In the 1950’s scientist’s debated the uranium and thorium based systems. Uranium light water reactors were easiest way to power a submarine Uranium nuclear waste can be used to make bombs Thorium is not easily weaponized and technology research was not continued.
Uranium vs. Thorium [2]
Thorium is relatively abundant on the earth’s crust [3]
Uranium pressurized water reactors account for a majority of the worlds nuclear power plants [4]
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor [5]
Other LFTR Advantages Less biologically harmful radioactive waste Radio active waste is toxic for only ~300 years Relatively cheap design
Issues converting to LFTRs Business model - not compelling to drastically change infrastructure and investments Converting the plant would be extremely expensive and still continue to produce waste (less amount) Corrosive salts damage system and will be costly to maintain
Development China is currently investing in LFTR development project and on pace to build a facility by 2020 Europe abandoned development because of pressure from France’s uranium based nuclear power industry
What are some of the major impacts LFTR could bring? Oil, coal, rare metal industry CO2 emissions Gas prices Car technology/economy Chemical Industry Economy Space Exploration
Sources development-project.html development-project.html science/nuclear-power-entrepreneurs-push-thorium-as-a- fuel/2011/12/15/gIQALTinPR_story.html nuclear-power-safe nuclear-power-safe nuclear-power-safe
Image Sources [1] generation_by_source_v2.png/753px- 2008_US_electricity_generation_by_source_v2.png [2] sch&tbnid=VkfH8pQUXp9aPM:&imgrefurl= -future-of-nuclear-power-after-fukushima-thorium- reactors/&docid=8Ff80ARdjVmEgM&imgurl= m/2011/03/thorium-waste- comparison.jpg&w=978&h=656&ei=K3dfUOW5DOXEyQGVlYHgCQ&zoom=1&iact= hc&vpx=655&vpy=171&dur=343&hovh=182&hovw=272&tx=98&ty=72&sig= &page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=203&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:3,s: 0,i:80 [3] 96px-NAMrad_Th_let.gif 96px-NAMrad_Th_let.gif [4] [5] r.svg/2000px-Molten_Salt_Reactor.svg.png r.svg/2000px-Molten_Salt_Reactor.svg.png