Sustainable Use of the High Seas BY Carl Gustaf Lundin
Outline High Seas Areas and Geographic Features of Fisheries Interest Biological Communities of Fisheries Interest Climate Change and the High Seas Marine Environment Elements of A Sustainable Management of High Seas Fisheries
High Seas Areas and Geographic Features of Fisheries Interest Seamounts Submarine Canyons Deep Sea Trenches Hydrothermal Vents
Seamounts Important Feature in most seas Biological Hotspots High Endemism Enhanced Productivity Important for Fisheries Many examples of rapid decline of stocks after intensive fishing effort
Submarine Canyons Erosion Features Across Continental Slopes Biological Hotspots High Endemism Enhanced Productivity Important for Fisheries
Deep Sea Trenches Ultra Extreme Environment High Endemism Low Impact from Fisheries Likely
Hydrothermal Vents Chemosynthesis Endemism Enhanced Productivity Trawling Potential Risk
High Seas Biological Communities of Fisheries Interest Deep Sea Coral Reefs Seabirds Cetaceans Transboundary Fish Stocks
Deep Sea Coral Reefs Biological Hotspots Enhanced Biodiversity Important Breeding Grounds Easily Destroyed by Fishing
Seabirds Breeding and Feeding Areas Low Reproductively High Rates of Incidental Catches Problems Solvable through New Technologies
Cetaceans Migratory Routs Breeding and Feeding Areas Whaling By-Catch
Transboundary Fish Stocks Problems of Straddling Stocks Common Access Problems New Stocks Reduced Below Commercial Value in 5-10 years IUU
Climate Change and the High Seas Marine Environment Effects on Ecosystems and Fisheries Are Happening Risks From Shifting of Ocean Currents Current Fisheries Regimes are Ill Prepared to Handle Climate Change
Climate Change Mitigation in the High Seas Develop Rules for Mitigation Activities Develop Resilience in Management Regimes Help Initiate New Monitoring Programs Disseminate Findings Initiate More Research on Climate Change and it’s Marine Impacts
Elements of A Sustainable Management of High Seas Fisheries 1. Science Should be the Basis for Management Decisions Apply Precautionary Principle Strengthen Coverage of Regional Fisheries Agreements
Elements of A Sustainable Management of High Seas Fisheries 2 Improve the Management of Selected Fisheries Resources Improved Control and Enforcement Measures Strengthen and Implement IUU Action Plan
Pilot New Tools in Fisheries Management Promote and Disseminate Fishing Technologies that Limit Bycatch and Reduce Habitat Destruction Pilot the use of MPAs as Tools in Fisheries Management Disseminate successes
Conclusions Urgent Action Is Needed New Fisheries Management Tools Need to Be Developed EU has a Central Role to Play Success Stories Are Needed