Miss Lee Ann Boyer May 15,
DON SBIR/STTR is an R&D program meeting critical Naval acquisition program and operational needs – a warfighter focus. We invest in small business, advocate for Naval technology customers, manage to help ensure transition, and track relevant data from Topic development through project expiration. The ultimate measure of success of any Navy SBIR/STTR project is the insertion of the technology into use by the fleet or forces. 2
3 Feasibility Study Technology Development and Prototype Demonstration Technology Development and Prototype Demonstration Prototype Testing & Evaluation Technology Demo & Validation Prototype Testing & Evaluation Technology Demo & Validation NTE $3.15M Total SBIR/STTR Funding Phase III – can occur anytime after Phase I and is funded with non-SBIR $ NOTE: A Phase II.5 is a Requirements Driven process; i.e., based upon Acquisition program needs. TTP: Technology Transition Plan TTA: Technology Transition Agreement Updated: 7 May 2013
Transition effort beyond initial Phase II DoN sets aside 20% of SBIR funds for funding these efforts Generally falls into 3 categories: Enhancements - minimum of 1:1 concurrent matching, usually limited to $500K Continued Development (CD)- requires signed TTP/TTA, no matching required, limited to $750K Advanced Technology (AT)- usually requires signed TTP/TTA, 1:1 matching required may be concurrent or out-year, limited to $1.5M or balance of $1.5M if prior CD or Enhancement 4
Firm must be prior recipient of a Phase II contract under the topic ( if only recipient of Phase I then award is a Phase II not II.5). Firms must meet Phase II eligibility requirements (size, ownership, % of work performed etc.) to be considered for Phase II.5. In order to participate in Phase II.5, firms must be invited and selected by a Navy SYSCOM Transition manager. Some SYSCOMs review all their current portfolio for potential candidates others allow TPOCs to nominate specific projects. The project must address a high priority Navy need. Project relevance to a planned or existing Acquisition Program, Future Naval Capability, or documented Technology Gap which must be identified in the TTP/TTA. Must comply with any/all matching funds requirements and SBIR/STTR funding limits for Phase II.5. 5
SYSCOM PM’s PEO SBIR Technology Managers SBIR Field Offices John Williams, Director Dean Putnam SBIR, Program Manager NAVSEA Donna Moore SBIR, Program Manager NAVAIR Elizabeth Madden SBIR, Program Manager MARCOR Lore-Anne Ponirakis SBIR, Program Manager ON R Elizabeth Altmann SBIR, Program Manager SPAWAR Blenda Gately SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO Carriers Glen Sturtevant SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO Ships Douglas Marker SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO IWS Megan Cramer SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO LCS Lauren Pitre SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO Subs James Wood Administrating Officer NSWC Carderock Brooke Pyne Administrating Officer NSWC Crane Joe Garcia Administrating Officer NSWC Dahlgren Nancy Johnson Administrating Officer NSWC Indian Head Jack Griffin Administrating Officer NUWC Newport Todd Parcell SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO (A) Bill O’Reagan SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO (T) Glenn Menear SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO (U&W) Amanda Gentry SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO (JSF) Janet McGovern SBIR, Technical Liaison NAVAIR (1.0) Dr. Mark Husni Administrating Officer NAVAIR Lakehurst Dr. Michael Seltzer Administrating Officer NAWC- WD China Lake Jerry Rubinsky Administrating Officer NAWC- AD Patuxent River LTJG Lady Cude SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO Space Butch Wren Avionics & Sensors NAWC-AD Patuxent River Paul Halloran SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO Land Systems Reggie Williams Propulsion and Power NAWC-AD Dr. Thomas Franz Administrating Officer NAWC- TSD Orland Kimberly Berche CPP Program Manager NAWC- AD Patuxent River Steve Sullivan STTR Program Manager Michelle Willis CRP Program Manager Matt Williams Phase II.5 Lead Lee Ann Boyer CRP Program Manager Lisa Riley SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO C4I Victor Gavin SBIR, Technical Liaison PEO EIS 6 DoN SBIR/STTR Organization Chart
Objective ◦ Accelerate transition to Phase III ◦ All current Phase IIs are eligible Key Program Elements ◦ Market research provided ◦ Phase III strategy development ◦ Training webinars on advanced topics ◦ Marketing materials developed Partnering/Investment event ◦ Opportunity Forum – 1400 Attendees ◦ Prime Integrator/DOD partnering Environmental Changes (2008) ◦ Moratorium on Plus-ups ◦ Economic Downturn ◦ Budgetary Uncertainty 7 Forum Year # Finalists Total amount received (18 mo.) % Finalists $177,411,41464% $189,815,73375% $222,375,54155% $216,688,62264% $254,471,907 53% $119,781,55246% $123,701,70449% $130,967,64057% Virtual Showcase
TAP: ◦ Primes partnering process ◦ Customized DON acquisition information packages for Tier 1-2 firms Publications and tutorials to provide guidance on developing a SBIR/STTR engagement model: ◦ Best Technology Transition Practices (May 2008) ◦ Defense Contractors SBIR/STTR Partnering Manual (August 2008) ◦ Rapidly Changing DON Acquisition Landscape for Large Business (May 2012) ◦ DON SBIR/STTR Incentives and Requirements Handbook (November 2012) PEO SBIR/STTR project transition management Guidance, selective participation in collaborations: ◦ Industry-led SBIR Consortium, ISCo ◦ Joint Air Force/DON/Army Transition Workshops 9
Naval Air Systems Command Mr. Matthew B. Williams (301) Naval Sea Systems Command Ms. Michelle Willis (202) Marine Corps Ms. Elizabeth Madden (703) Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command Ms. Elizabeth Altmann (619) Office of Naval Research SBIR Ms. Lore-Anne Ponirakis (703) STTR Mr. Steve Sullivan (703)