“ The Devil and Tom Walker” By: Washington Irving
What elements of Romanticism are present? Idealism (Common Man) Imagination Intuition Inspiration (spontaneity) Individuality Nature
Idealism (Common Man/Past) Tom is the typical greedy, shameless person seeking to get rich quick Indian War Grounds Kidd the Pirate’s treasure
Imagination Trees of sinners Old Scratch’s appearance Heart and liver found in apron Horse buried upside down
Intuition (Feelings/Emotions) Tom loses his soul to the devil.
Irony: contrast between appearance and reality Tom’s comment: “The devil take me if I have made a farthing.”
Tone: writer’s attitude toward subject matter Irving’s tone is light and humorous but also moralistic. Explain how.
Symbolism Tom’s shortcut through the swamp Trees He wanted the American Dream, but he didn’t want to work for it Trees Sinners who have sold their souls to the devil (Deacon Peabody and Absalom Crowninshield) Bible under the mortgage papers Tom placed the value of money OVER religion Tom’s stuff being reduced to cinders He never really owned his things because he didn’t earn them.
Modern day examples of Tom and the Devil?