WPs description « MEditerranean Development of Innovative Technologies for integrAted waTer managEment » [Kick-off meeting 7th-8th May 2004]


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Presentation transcript:

WPs description « MEditerranean Development of Innovative Technologies for integrAted waTer managEment » [Kick-off meeting 7th-8th May 2004]

WP0: project management - co-ordination WP 0.A. : Project co-ordination –co-ordination between WP leaders –management group –links with other on going projects –Scientific and technical reports : co ordination validation by management group => EC –link with EC –Financial reports: cost breakdown statements, verify elligibility of costs WP 0. B.: Reporting task => next project meeting : Month 10 = February/March 2005 in Lebanon

WP1: Hydro characterisation + modelling Action A : Catchments characterisation Inception of geological and hydrogeological data base with a general overview of the submarine karst potential coastal aquifers => common tool [define common compatibility, structure of data base…] Confirmation of case studies taking into account economic interest for alternative water resources Methodology and catchment characterisation geological methodology data interpretation (time series, natural tracers..) intrinsic vulnerability assessment additional instrumentation of water point (springs, boreholes) definition of conceptual models Action B : Numerical catchment modelling selection of modelling approach tests of performance comparing results of predictive scenarii scaling, global,double porosity approach, calibration - validation, tests on natural predictive scenarii Month 6 : data base development for each catchment site Month 9 : methodology of catchment characterisation + type of model

WP2 : Socio-eco analysis Action 1 : Methodology and data collection definition of a methodological framework collection and presentation of data in an agreed format Action 2 : 2025’ Water scenarios evaluation of different tools to support envisioning and foresight activities participatory modelling seminars scenario construction considering major factors likely to affect water demand (climate change, population growth, agricultural policy, world market price evolution, tourism policy, …) Action 3 : social survey questionnaire based on “survey of water consumer” attitudes gender role will be taken into consideration; focus group may include representatives of both gender population samples

WP2 Action 4 : Cost effectiveness analysis conceptual framework + cost effectiveness analysis assessment of the total life cycle cost of each technology, various technologic innovation Action 5: Restitution to stakeholders - routes to sustainable water management

Action A - submarine springs with AUV Define the pay-load vehicle Performance of the AUV Protocol to define for scientits missions Development of vehicle and sensors integration Study of fusion data method to build a 3D representation Test of vehicle Submarine springs survey Feasibility study Month 2 : report on vehicle’s specifications Month 5 : report on interface man machine specifications Month 7 : report on data fusion method Month 12 : report on vehicle test WP3: Technological innovation

WP3 Action B. Monitoring and capture prototypes for submarine springs Task B.1 Preliminary studies : springs location, discharge of springs, morphology of the submarine environment: ESIB Task B.2. Environment impact : environmental study: ESIB Task B.3. Design of the prototype : design for one submarine spring in Cheka Bay in Lebanon + micro-captures in T+S : CNRS_HSC : post-doc fellow + technicians Task B.4. Construction +Installation of the prototypes : feasibility study in Turkey and Syria; installation in Lebanon : ? CNRS- HSC or BRGM ???????? With subcontracting: Baka contacts divers company in Roma or Marseille Task B.5. Monitoring of the springs : CREEN-ESIB with contribution CNRS-HSC Task B.6. Feasibility study : CNRS – HSC ESIB+CNRS_HSC+BRGM: technical proposal => 1st July => management group => approval => EC Deliverables > Month 13

WP3 Action C - Desalination plant adaptability - water reuse treatment plant optimisation of desalination plant using submarine spring conception of a temporary small unit of desalination state of the art review of new technologies energy recovery systems estimation of potential cost reduction assess necessity of new technology for water irrigation or water reuse in agriculture based on recent results - peer review; state of the art of the water reuse in Mediterranean area Deliverables : Month 18 water reuse + Month 32: new development for low cost desalination small unit

WP 4: Water Management Support System 1. Definition of scenarios to be run for each case study 2. Modelling efforts for catchments in Lebanon and Jordan 3. Cost and environmental (energetic) analysis on the Lebanon and Jordan catchments 4. Development of the result interpretation tool 5. Water scenarios running 6. Guidelines setting to develop and implement WMSS on the two other catchments Deliverables Month 24 : set of scenarios of possible evolution of water needs and ressources til 2025 Month 32 : Two WMSS customised for test sites in Lebanon and in Jordan

WP5: Dissemination, Transfer of technology WP 5.1. Dissemination of Work –WEBSITE –workshops organisation for decision-makers and water-policy makers, –scientific and technological papers (journal, congress) - up to 4 papers (second and last part of the project) –translation of WMMS and major guidelines in Arabic –dissemination plan (stressed on the side of water resource management but without minimising technological innovations part) WP 5.2. Transfer technology study - market opportunities analysis –innovation part (prototypes AUV, submarine capture, water treatment plant) –within a global and integrated water management strategy

WP 5.3. Impact assessment of MEDITATE project results –indicators will be checked using various independent sources of information –assessment interviews at dissemination workshops, taking into consideration water public awareness, water management concept, DSS tool and impact on future decision process….=> summary –website frequentation, comments collected in website guest book Month 3 : website for MEDITATE WP5: Dissemination, Transfer of technology