British half-crown (1658), bearing head of Cromwell in classical style. Inscription: OLIVAR[IVS]·D[EI]·G[RATIA]·R[EI]P[VBLICAE]·ANG[LIAE]·SCO[TIAE]·ET·HI B[ERNIAE]&cPRO[TECTOR] / Oliver, by the grace of God and of the Republic, of England, Scotland, and Ireland etc. Protector.
Cromwell on horseback with London in the background c 1655
Full length portrait of Oliver Cromwell by Walker c 1650
Oliver Cromwell by Sir Peter Lely, c Cromwell famously told Lely to paint him ‘warts and all’.
Cromwell on horseback copied from Van Dyck's painting of Charles I. This print, by Pierre Lombart, was produced in several different versions in the 1650s.
Portrait print of Oliver Cromwell c 1652
This picture was painted by Robert Walker in Walker is known chiefly for his portraits of Cromwell and his circle
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell with chain round neck late 17th or early 18th Century