Automatic Dog Walker Paul Johnson and André St. Denis 9/12/00
Paul Johnson and André St. Denis2 Background City dogs are clueless and can’t make up their own minds about where to walk. City dog owners will spend great sums of money to avoid walking their dog, so they can stay at work earning great sums of money. City dog owners would rather not have to thank a person for walking their dog.
9/12/00Paul Johnson and André St. Denis3 Problem Develop an automated dog walker
9/12/00Paul Johnson and André St. Denis4 Solution Use the standard ‘firefighting robot’ platform with tape following navigation. Mount a leash post to the front of the platform.
9/12/00Paul Johnson and André St. Denis5 System Overview Motor Micro- controller Light Sensors Motor
9/12/00Paul Johnson and André St. Denis6 Mechanical Concept
9/12/00Paul Johnson and André St. Denis7 Electrical Concept
9/12/00Paul Johnson and André St. Denis8 Software Concept