Discussion on EUROTeV and ILC Nick Walker (DESY) EUROTeV Kick-off Meeting DESY 1 November 2004
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting The Global Context GDI ILC will be designed and constructed as a truly global project Initial phase (next 3 years) will see formation of the Global Design Initiative (GDI) supported by 3 regional design teams
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting ILC Projected Time Line CDR TDR GDI process construction commissioning physics site selection International Funding EUROTeV Very aggressive!
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting From our proposal: GDI ILC GDI Concept “An additional goal of the EUROTeV proposal is to form the core of the European Regional Design Group, as part of the GDI.” EUROTeV Work Packages Beam Delivery System Damping Rings Diagnostics Metrology & Stabilisatio n Global Accelerator Network Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies Polarised Positron Source
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting The Picture post-ITRP Recommendation GDI ILC GDI Concept We know now that SCRF tech. will be used for the ILC design. This picture is therefore incomplete. EUROTeV Work Packages Beam Delivery System Damping Rings Diagnostics Metrology & Stabilisatio n Global Accelerator Network Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies Polarised Positron Source
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting The Picture post-ITRP Recommendation GDI ILC GDI Concept We know now that SCRF tech. will be used for the ILC design. SCRF must also be included EUROTeV Beam Delivery System Damping Rings Diagnostics Metrology & Stabilisation Global Accelerator Network Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies Polarised Positron Source SCRF Linac Tech. (CARE SRF, TESLA, XFEL) European Regional Design Group
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting First ILC Workshop at KEK Goals of the workshop Initiate the work for the ILC (pre-GDI) after the technology choice of superconducting RF technology. Review the Technical Issues with SC-LC. Develop lists of design elements and decide whether they are non-controversial in concept and may only need some optimization; or should be considered open to reevaluation, in the conceptual design phase. Present the topics the different groups are interested in, and can contribute to the overall design
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting First ILC Workshop at KEK Goals of the workshop Initiate the work for the ILC (pre-GDI) after the technology choice of superconducting RF technology. Review the Technical Issues with SC-LC. Develop lists of design elements and decide whether they are non-controversial in concept and may only need some optimization; or should be considered open to reevaluation, in the conceptual design phase. Present the topics the different groups are interested in, and can contribute to the overall design Important for EUROTeV
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting International Programme Committee Americas Dave Burke (SLAC) Gerry Dugan (Cornell) Steve Holmes (FNAL) Europe Jean-Pierre Delahaye (CERN) Olivier Napoly (CEA) Nick Walker (DESY) Asia Kaoru Yokoya (KEK) Hitoshi Hayano (KEK) Kenji Saito (KEK)
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities WP2 Beam Delivery System
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities WP3 Damping Rings
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities WP4 Polarised Positron Source
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities WP5 Diagnostics
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities WP6 ILPS Bunch compressor
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Working Groups First ILC Workshop at KEK KEK ILC Workshop WG1: Overall Parameters WG2: Main Linac WG3: Injectors WG4: Beam Delivery / MDI WG5: High Gradient Cavities WP7 METSTB
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Scope of EUROTeV WP and the GDI Scope of EUROTeV workpackages is well defined Three year specific programme already presented Immediate task of GDI will be to define baseline design for ILC Many key decisions on design elements will impact priorities in EUROTeV WP (We believe) EUROTeV programme is flexible and general enough to cope (original scope was defined as being ‘linac technology independent) We should be aware of these impending design decisions, and plan (detailed) tasks accordingly Much is still open Waiting for the GDI and central design team!
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting Example of Design Decisions that will impact EUROTeV workpackage WP4 Polarised Positron Source Decision on base-line source will define prority of scope in EUROTeV WP
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting ELAN KEK Preparation Meeting (2.11) EUROTeV’s input to the Global ILC Design Effort Entire project resources (€ and MP) is (by definition) applicable to ILC We must stay within defined context BDS; DR; Polarised Positron Source; Diagnostics; Intergrated Luminosity Performance Studies (simulation); Metrology & stabilisation; GAN Mobile Virtual Lab. Exact project scope (details) can now be defined we now know which collider we are working on baseline design should evolve over the next year We will ‘align’ ourselves with the global activities forge collaborations with similar interest groups in other regions some currently identified activities may become low priority will need to adapt
N. WalkerEUROTeV Kick-off Meeting EUROTeV and the GDI Asia Americas Europe (inc. EUROTeV) WP GDI Institutes From chaos… …comes order! First major challenge for the GDI AND for EUROTeV !!