Age of Nationalism Chapters 1,2,3,4,5 By: Matt W, Dylan M, Joe D, Nick V and Mike D.
Taking Initial Steps Toward Unity In 1806 Napoleon raids the German lands. He made important territorial changes in German lands. He Annexed Rhineland for France, and dissolved the Holy Roman Empire. Prussia created an economic union called the Zollverein. It loosened trade barriers and tariffs with German states. In 1848 leaders at the Frankfurt Assembly offered the German throne to William IV of Prussia.
Bismarck Unites Germany Bismarck came from the Junker class of rich landowning nobles. In 1862, King William I was made prime minster. As Bismarck's army strengthen, With Williams well equipped military, he was ready to pursue an aggressive foreign policy. Over the next decade, Bismarck let Prussia into 3 wars. These wars Increased Prussia's power and paved the way for german unity.
Birth of The German Empire Princes from Southern German and the North German confederation persuaded William I and take the title of emperor. In 1871 German Nationalists celebrated the birth of the second empire or Reich. They considered It to be their Holy Roman Empire. Bismarck set up a constitution of two-house legislatures. The Bundesrat (upper house), and the Reichstag (lower class)
Germany Strengthens 1. Germany Becomes An Industrial Giant Germany’s spectacular growth was due in part to ample iron and coal resources. Germany’s rapidly growing population from 41 million in 1871 to 67 million in 1914 also provided a huge home market along with a larger supply of industrial workers. German industrialists were the first to see the value of applied science in developing new products such as synthetic chemicals and dyes. After 1871, economic development issued a single currency for Germany, reorganized the banking system, and coordinated railroads built by the various German states.
2. The Iron Chancellor As chancellor of the new German empire, Bismarck pursued several foreign –policy goals. Later, he would take a more aggressive stand against Britain as the two nations competed for overseas colonies. Catholics made up about a third of the German population. Bismark who was Lutheran, distrusted Catholics. In response to what he saw as the Catholic threat, Bismarck launched the Kulturkampf, or “battle for civilization” which lasted from 1871 to 1878.
Kaiser William 2 In 1888, William 2 succeeded his grandfather as Kaiser. In 1890, he shocked Europe by asking the dominating Bismarck to resign. His governments provided programs for social welfare.
Obstacles to Italian Unity For centuries Italy had been a battleground for ambitious foreign and local princes Italian unification was the political and social movement that agglomerated different states of the Italian Peninsula into the single state of Italy in the 19th century. The last città irredente however, did not join the Kingdom of Italy until after World War I.
The Struggle For Italy After 1848, leadership of the Risorgimento, or Italian nationalist movement, passed to the kingdom of Sardinia. All of the revolts that started in 1848-1849 were defeated by Austrians, bar the Roman Republic. In Germany, the invasions of Napoleon had sparked dreams of national unity.
The Struggle For Italy After 1848, leadership of the Risorgimento, or Italian nationalist movement, passed to the kingdom of Sardinia. All of the revolts that started in 1848-1849 were defeated by Austrians, bar the Roman Republic. In Germany, the invasions of Napoleon had sparked dreams of national unity.
Challenges Facing the New Nation Italy had no tradition of unity. Few Italians felt ties to the new nation Strong regional rivalries left Italy unable to solve critical national issues
Important people -Francis Joseph - Lived in the 1800’s, inherited the Hapsburg throne. -Ferenc Dea’k- a moderate Hungarian leader, help create the Duel Monarchy
The Hapsburg Empire Declines -In the 1800’s, the Hapsburgs were the oldest ruling house in Europe. Austria Faces Change -Since the congress of Vienna, the Austrian emperor Francis 1 and his foreign minister Metternich had upheld Conservative goals against liberal forces.
A multinational Empire -Equally disturbing to the old order were the urgant demands of nationalist Formation of the Duel Monarch The Austria Hungary Government. -under the argument, Austria and Hungary were separate states
The Ottoman Empire Collapses Balkan Nationalism Erupts -If the Balkans, Serbia won autonomy in 1830, and southern Greece won independence during 1830’s European powers divide up the ottoman Empire -Such nationalist stirrings became mixed up with the ambitions of Great Europeans power War in the Balkans - In the end , a complex web of competing interest contributing to a series of crises and wars in the Balkans
Russia: Reform and Reaction 1. Conditions in Russia Colossus means giant, tall, or large. Russia had a great world power. A great obstacle to progress was the rigid social structure. Russia were mostly serfs, who were peasants. Tsars had ruled with absolute power for centuries.
2. Emancipation And Stirrings Of Revolution Alexander II reign represents the pattern of reform and repression used by his father and grandfather. Crimean War was fought mainly on the Crimean Peninsula between the Russia and the Britain, French, and Turks. Emancipation means freeing of the serfs. Zemstvos are local elected assembles set up in Russia under Alexander. Pogroms are violent mob attacks on Jewish people. Refuges are people who flee their homeland to seek safety somewhere else.
3. The Drive To Industrialization Political and social problems increased as a result of industrialization.
4. Turning Point: Crisis Japan beat Russia in battle. A priest organized a peaceful march for Sunday, January 22, 1905. Duma means elected national legislature. Peter Stoylpin is a prime minister.
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