The story takes place a few miles from Boston, Massachusetts. There is treasure buried in the swampy area by Charles Bay. It was buried by Kidd the Pirate. Tom Walker and his wife are greedy and selfish— they even hide things from each other.
While walking through the swamp, Tom Walker meets The Black Woodsmen/Old Scratch (the devil). Old Scratch offers Tom Kidd the Pirate’s gold on certain conditions and Tom accepts eventually. Old Scratch burns his fingerprint into Tom’s forehead as his “signature.”
Tom Walker doesn’t want to take the deal at first just because his wife wants him to. Tom’s wife decides to try to make a deal with Old Scratch. She takes a silver teapot and spoons as well as other valuables. She does not return; Tom goes looking for her and finds a heart and liver wrapped up in her apron, tied up in a tree.
At first Old Scratch wants Tom to use the money to buy a slave trading ship and Tom refuses. But, Tom agrees to become a usurer. Tom becomes a rich man.
Toward the end of his life, Tom begins to regret his decision about signing his life over to the devil. He becomes a very devout Christian. However, Tom cannot outrun the devil and he dies and his wealth disintegrates.