Current Population of Wisconsin: 4,919,479 Wisconsin
Born in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Nov. 2, 1967 Father was a pastor named Llewellyn and mother was a book keeper named Patricia Married to Tonnette Walker Sons named Matt and Alex Walker Went to Marquette University Work Personal History Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ran in 2006 for governor Dropped out Ran again Was sworn in Jan. 3,2011 Political Life
Contribution/Wisconsin Working Trying to make more jobs for veterans and unemployed people
Contribution/Recall Many people are trying to recall Scott
Lasting Importance/Recall People are making Commercials and posters about Recalling Scott and I believe many people will remember him for it Video of the Campaign to Recall Scott
I. "10 Things You Didn’t Know About Scott Walker." Http//: Web. 3 Apr II."Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker." Web. 29 Mar III."Scott Walker." Web. 3 Apr IV.Janssen, Sarah, ed. The World Almanac. New York: Info Base Learning, Print. V."Wisconsin Working." http//: Web. 29 Mar Works cited