Clark Lane Middle School Physical Education Department For Students
Mr. Slocum Mrs. Markesich Mr. Walker Mr. Luzzi
The CLMS Physical Education curriculum includes a multitude of activities that ALL students get the opportunity to experience and grow from! Such as Invasion GamesDance/Creative Movement SoccerBadminton VolleyballBasketball Ultimate FrisbeeLacrosse FootballProject Adventure FitnessTennis Baseball Track And FieldHiking/Orienteering
OUR GOAL is to do our best to help you gain further understanding and appreciation for the benefits of health and fitness, team sport dynamics, cooperative play, and assist you in reaching your personal fitness goals for the upcoming year…creating a life long lover of health related fitness! YOUR GOAL is to enter class each day with an open mind, a helping hand, and a desire to perform at your best on a daily basis, which will allow you to grow and learn in a safe environment rich with respect for yourself and classmates.
1. Be on time. 2. Be PREPARED (Proper PE Attire). 3. Self-start & complete your WARM UP. 4. QUALITY PARTICIPATION (Rigorous, Safe, Respectful) 5. Demonstrate RESPECT for Peers/Teacher/Equipment. 6. Exhibit Good SPORTSMANSHIP. 7. Demonstrate TEAMWORK & COOPERATION 8. Be POSITIVE and have FUN!
1. Sharing, Valuing, and CARING about each others feelings, and always including everybody. 2. Showing TOLERANCE by respecting our differences, sharing our goals. 3. Showing LEADERSHIP by inspiring others to excel by the courage of your example. 4. Promoting HONESTY which sometimes takes courage. 5. RESPECT given to and received by ALL.
It is YOUR responsibility to follow the rules and procedures of the physical education classroom, and OUR responsibility to make sure they are followed, for the success of the class. WE will: Reinforce classroom expectations. Remind you of those expectations. Redirect you so you can fulfill those expectations. If pattern persists, parent contact follows.
Rewards for Positive Behavior: Praise (Daily) Positive Note sent home (Random) “Good as Gold” Raffle Tickets “Raise a Grade” Certificate P.E. “Students of the Week” Identified/Certificate Awarded Consequences for Misbehavior: 1 st : Warning 2 nd : “Time Out” 3 rd : “Sit Out”/Teacher Conference 4 th : “Sit Out”/Parent conference 5 th : “Student Referral”/Administrative Action *If student’s behavior is a SAFETY ISSUE that jeopardizes classmates safety, administration will be contacted immediately and consequences will be determined by administration.
Reminders NO gum, candy, or soft drinks are allowed in the gym during class. Use restroom /water fountain only with permission. Always sign out/in when leaving gym. If you are holding equipment when the whistle blows, walk to storage area and put it away. Do not throw items across the gym! Raise hand to speak during instruction.
` PROJECT ADVENTURE FULL VALUE CONTRACT The cornerstone to a successful Project Adventure Program is a mutual agreement among its participants. This agreement is referred to as the Full Value Contract. Students are asked to sign this contract and abide by its guidelines. I, ______________________ to ensure the proper execution of Project Adventure, agree to: Adhere to certain safety and group behavior guidelines set down by the instructor and the group. Give and receive honest feedback. Increase my awareness to when I am putting down or devaluing myself or others. Challenge by Choice.
Fire Drill: 1. Assemble in a line immediately/Attendance taken 2. NO TALKING 3. Follow Teacher to assigned area outside on field 4. Attendance taken 5. SILENCE Lockdown : 1. Assemble in line immediately/attendance taken 2. NO TALKING 3. Follow teacher to assigned area dependent on P.E. location 4. Attendance Taken 5. SILENCE
Communication between students and teacher is essential for an environment to be successful. Any questions, suggestions or concerns with: Classmates Safety Class Activities Locker room Please SEE ANY OF US so WE can work TOGETHER to find a SOLUTION!
Mr. Walker Please feel free to contact us anytime with any questions or concerns! Mr. Slocum Mr. Luzzi Mrs. Markesich