Nevada Tribal Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Current Projects Inter-Operability State tribal All-Hazards Type III IMT National Tribal All-Hazards Type III IMT Tribal Capabilities Assessment National Training Center Statewide CERT Training Tribal Clinic EOP / NIMS Compliance Tribal EOP / NIMS Compliance
Inter-Ops Tribal Rural Interoperable Broadband Project – will connect tribes, counties and states (NV, ID, CA, UT, AZ, OR) for emergency services and broadband communication. After January 1, 2013 FCC will not renew licenses for systems not P25 compliant (broadband and narrowband capable). Partnership between OEC, NDOT, NDOIT, IHBN/ITERC.
Inter-Ops Phase I o Gap analysis completed April 2011 (OEC funded). Phase II o Engineering. o NDOT will engineer 13 sites, and out of these complete 4 pilot projects. o OEC has agreed to engineer 14 sites. Phase III o Equipment and cost analysis. Projected completion 9/2011. Phase IV o Final Report. Present to Congress for funding and build-out of project. Project completion 5-6 years.
Inter-Ops Statewide Tribal Dispatch Center o NV Tribes currently spend over 1M on dispatch services. o We can build, staff and operate a statewide 24- hour dispatch center for 600K. o Center will be located in Reno and/or Ely.
State All-Hazards Type III IMT Working toward having all IMT members through their position specific training before this year’s fire season. 20 members have completed All-Hazards incident management training. 6 have completed Position Specific training 2 or 3 have begun shadowing. FEMA Region 9 funded.
National Tribal All-Hazards Type III IMT Purpose is to have an IMT team which can be mobilized for any tribal request nationwide. o Focus Group has been broken up into teams and given tasks. o Working hard and diligently to keep the program going but funding is an issue. o Supported by NCAI.
Tribal Capabilities Assessment Purpose: to assess EM training needs among NV tribes. Status: o Survey has been distributed. o ~ 30% returned. o Once survey is complete, create a plan to provide training for NV tribes. Partnership between EMI, IHBN/ITERC and FEMA Region 9.
E580/E581 Courses o E580: Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments o E581: Emergency Management Operations for Tribal Governments o Revised courses coming to Reno June/July Tribal Capabilities Assessment
National Training Center Purpose: to open up a tribal training center in Sacramento. Senator Reid has been briefed and is in support of the project. Infancy Stages.
Statewide CERT Training Purpose: to train 440 tribal members throughout the state of NV. o Includes: Training, Equipment, Exercises. IJ has been submitted to NV SHSP Waiting on word for funding.
Tribal Clinic EOP & NIMS Compliance Program Coordinator: Danny Thayer o Statewide Tribal Resource Management. Designed so that Clinic and Tribal EOPs, EM and response are complimentary. Current status: o Clinic EOP Template complete. o 8 Tribal Clinic EOPs to be delivered by end July. o Final phase for Telemedicine capabilities. Contract pending with UNR Medical School for MD consultation.
Tribal EOP & NIMS Compliance Program Coordinator: Regina Marotto MPH Ultimate goal: o For all Nevada tribes and clinics to adopt a functional EOP and be fully NIMS compliant by the end of Other goals: o To align emergency response on all levels (Tribe, County, State) so that everyone knows their roles and options in the event of an emergency – consistency. o To ensure continued Federal funding for various Tribal programs.
Phase I o Develop a basic EOP suitable and tailored to tribal and clinic needs. This tribal EOP will be a template for each individual tribe to further tailor to their specific needs. Phase II o Tribal EOP presentations to each tribe. These meetings will serve to present the tribal EOP template, edit it to individual needs, and assess NIMS compliance status. Phase III o Training and Exercise Plans Tabletop and/or Functional exercises to test capabilities. Phase IV o Follow up Status of Improvement Plan. NIMSCAST completion. Tribal EOP & NIMS Compliance
Components: o Rapid Response Plan o Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan o Annexes A.Warning B.Communications C.Shelter & Mass Care D.Radiological Protection E.Evacuation F.Firefighting G.Law Enforcement H.Health & Medical Services I.Public Information J.Recovery K.Public Works L.Utilities M. Resource Management N. Direction and Control O. Social Services P. Hazard Mitigation Q. Hazmat and Oil Spill R. Search and Rescue S. Transportation T. Donations Management U. Legal V.Terrorism W. ICS Forms Tribal EOP Template
Tribal EOP & NIMS Compliance Current Status o Tribal EOP template complete. o 3 tribes visited. Initial edits complete. Adoption by resolution pending. o 4 tribes scheduled for the next 2 months. More to come. o Exercise planning in progress.
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