KPA Day : 28 th March 2015 KPA Day : 28 th March 2015 What the NKF has done in the last year Kirit Modi Chairman, NKF
How do we assess? Personal perspective What we have done What impact have we had
Support for patients and others Advocacy service: Nick Palmer Well established team: BKPA/NKF funded Individual support to patients Over 480 individuals Support to KPAs and hospitals Represents NKF at local and national forums Contribution to NKF policy and consultations Influence health civil servants: England, Scotland, Wales & NI
Helpline: Pauline Pinkos First point of contact: phone, and letter Expert advice: over 3,000 contacts 1500 patient phone calls, 300 carers, 400 s, 200 letters and leaflets, 50 referrals to Advocacy Officers, 300 kidney friendly cookbooks posted and over 100 leaflet orders for KPAs and renal units were dispatched New leaflets (statistical leaflet with Renal registry, Green Nephrology)
Communication Kidney Life: Deborah Duval and Sue Lyon Increase from around 22,000 to 25,000 Hard copy posted free of charge
Communication In Touch: Andrea Brown and Stephanie Scott Monthly e-newsletter KPA officers and others Circulation of over 800
Communication Social media: Mick Walker, Tracey Sinclair and Pete Revell 5,500 Facebook 2,500 Twitter 490 Facebook Fundraising via Facebook
Communication Website: Tim Statham, Chris Sheppard and Robert Hammond Refreshed website NKF Conference KPA Day
Campaigning Tariffs for dialysis Commissioning of dialysis services Major threats NKF led both campaigns: KPAs, civil servants, other charities Professional organisations (British Renal Society, Renal Association) All Party Parliamentary Kidney Group: Tim Statham Meeting with Minister of Health, Monitor, NHS England Success but not over! Strong patient voice
Governance Experienced group of Executive members Delighted to have 14 nominations for 2015 Four Officers: Jim Higgins, Michael Abbott, Mick Walker and Kirit Modi Three committees: Finance and General Purpose: Kirit Modi Conference: Tracey Sinclair Image and Profile: Mick Walker Lead members: Risk Management (Michael Abbott), Health and Safety (David Marshall), Green Nephrology (William Beale)
Annual Development Plan Review of reimbursement for utility costs: Linda Pickering Patient Transport: David Marshall
Partnerships Key to success Kidney Charities Together NHS (Richard Fluck, Triona Norman) NHSBT British Renal Society and Renal Association National Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Transplant Alliance (NBTA) UK Kidney Research Consortium ETC
Personal Honour and privilege Thank Executive Members and staff Thank Frank Thank Meena!
Challenges Funding for dialysis and transplantation Outcome of the General Election Challenge variations in provisions across the 4 countries Increased demand for NKF services Continue to harness patient voice Prioritise: what are your priorities?