The Duke would be so proud
Bronze Expeditions 2014 Dates, times and staff Destinations Kit and money Food and drink How to pass ~ the 20 conditions Assessor ~ Chris Barlow The Silver Award ~ requisites
Dates, times and staff Debden House13/14 th June Depart from Campion11:00 (after exam ~ attire) Return to Campion16:00 (approx.) Boys will text when leaving ‘Epping’ Staffing (remote supervision) Messrs Nye, Walker and Hendley
Dates, times and staff Holland’s Wood Campsite (The New Forest)15/16 th July Arrive (to leave) at Campion6:30 Return to Campion18:00ish Boys will text when leaving the New Forest Staffing Messrs Nye, Hendley and Heffernan (and Chris Barlow)
Debden House ~ Epping Forest
Holland’s Wood ~ The New Forest
Kit and money (£10?) Lists issued Must be able to fit into rucksack (exception ~ roll mat) Trial run Carrier bag with food/drink prior to walking
Food and drink No stopping to buy food ~ self-sufficient for the entire expedition 1 litre water bottle More water available from minibus at checkpoints and campsites Emergency ration
Food and drink ~ please avoid nuts, fish and eggs
First aid kit
Packing the rucksack
Hygiene and toileting ~ bring tissues
Weather watch ~ dictates clothing
Behaviour Same standards that I expect at school Any deviation ~ parents called to collect Award failed (even on practice expedition)
How to pass ~ the 20 conditions Your expedition must be by your own physical effort You must be properly equipped for your expedition You must have completed the required training and practice expeditions You and your team must plan and organise your expedition There must be between four and seven people in your group Your overnight accommodation should be camping You must do the minimum hours of planned daily activity for your DofE level You should cook and eat a substantial meal each day You must create and deliver a presentation after your expedition to complete the section Don't forget that all your team must meet these conditions!
The Silver Award ~ requisites Must complete the Bronze Award by 1 st September 2013 More of the same (two six month modules and a two night expedition) Completed in Year 11