Roadmaps Andy Wright Natalie Walker Simon Brisbourne
Broadband Product Road Map 2013/14 Q1 2013/14 Q2 2013/14 H2 20C Fibre 21C Migration from 20C IPstream to 21C Wholesale Broadband Connect Release AK 17 th Nov IPstream ‘Stop Sell’ 220Mb FTTP launch Fibre on Demand Trial Differentiated SLA launch Vectoring Trials MSE Trials IPstream retirement within WBC & Datastream in total Release AH 13 th May Release AI 15 th Jul Release AJ 16 th Sep Further WBC expansion (To be agreed) FTTP 1XX, 40/15, 330/20 Stop Sell BD UK areas roll out Multi-Service Edge Rollout and Migration WBC rollout to further 195 site begins Ofcom Broadband Market Review I can be found at 95 th Percentile billing on WBMC launched Launch reseller model Out of hours migration product available Launch Metro-node EMP Mitigation and Consumption Wires only self install KCI improvements OR £ Rises FTTP Full Commercial launch PCP only trials BBAC speed ranges SIM 2 FOD Distance Based Charging & launch Future activities are aspirational and not fully committed “Preponing” (copper and fibre) Openreach KCI notes via B2B & Portal Deliver TR101 Upstream line synch info RT QoS option on Fixed rate Launch 40G host links Sim2 Launch (orders glued together) Automatic ordering for bandwidth modify Release AL 20 th Jan
MSE: Multi Service-Edge Andy Wright
MSE: Multi-service Edge When? We’re deploying, and migrating end users to, 535 MSEs by March 2014 Over 100 deployed so far. Over 150k end users on MSE New orders go onto the MSE in areas where an MSE is deployed. What are BT doing? Growth in bandwidth demand from increased volume and usage requires us to expand the BT Wholesale 21CN Broadband Platform. We are introducing a new Broadband Remote Access server (BRAS) called Multi- service Edge (MSE) What does it mean for you? What does it mean for you? As planned, your end users are being migrated overnight with service outages. We were moving Customer VLANs but are increasingly moving Service VLANs. SVLAN outages are currently 26 mins 1 st night and 6 mins on a 2 nd night. We are starting to do both these on one night and using the full PEW window. Who is affected? Every CP is affected whether you buy WBC, WBMC Dedicated or WBMC Shared Copper or Fibre Thank you All CPs have made the necessary changes for the new IP address ranges. We have jointly proven it works. Thank you See briefings: BB450-12, BB589-12, BB & BB and previous ISP forum presentations all to be found at Any questions? please contact