New Tools for Estrous Synchronization – Costs and Benefits Doug Zalesky, Ph.D and Ryon Walker San Juan Basin Research Center Colorado State University 2003 Range Beef Cow Symposium Mitchell, NE
CIDR + PG Protocol Day 0Day 6Day 7 CIDR Lutalyse
CSU CIDR Studies Heifer Study: 375 crossbred heifers 3 herds:San Juan Basin Research Center - Colorado Beef Improvement Center - Wyoming Quinn Cattle Co. – South Dakota
CSU CIDR Studies Heifer Study: Modified Co-Synch – CIDR CIDR InsertCIDR Removal54 h Timed GnRH PG AI Trt 1 = No GnRH Trt 2 = GnRH Day 0 Day 7 Day 9
CSU CIDR Studies Heifer Results: LocationNumberTrt 1 Trt 2Overall PR, %PR, % PR, % S. Dakota SJBRC BIC Pooled
CSU CIDR Studies Cow Study 583 head(Angus and Red Angus crossbreds) 2 herds:San Juan Basin Research Center – Colorado Beef Improvement Center - Wyoming
CSU CIDR Studies CIDR InsertCIDR Removal+PG 54 h Timed AI GnRhTrt 1 = No Calf Removalon remaining Trt 2 = Calf Removal cows Day 0Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Heat Detect &Breed
CSU CIDR Studies Cow Study SJBRC BIC Pooled Heatsn%Preg n%Preg n %Preg Trt Trt
CSU CIDR Studies Cow Study SJBRC BIC Pooled TAIn%Preg n%Preg n %Preg Trt Trt
CSU CIDR Studies Cow Study SJBRC BIC Pooled Totaln%Preg n%Preg n %Preg Trt Trt Overall
Synchronization System Costs PG = $1.57GnRH = $2.50 MGA = $0.02/hd/d CIDR = $8.00 ProtocolCostType%CR%PR 2 X PG$3.14Cows60.6 S. Synch$4.07Cows65.7 Co-Synch$6.57Cows49.0 Ovsynch$6.57Cows57.0 MGA+PG$1.85Cows63.0 MGA Sel.$4.35Cows Synch$5.78Cows47.0
Synchronization System Costs PG = $1.57GnRH = $2.50 MGA = $0.02/hd/d CIDR = $8.00 ProtocolCostType%CR%PR CIDR + PG$9.57Cows61.0 CSU Study $12.07Cows44.3 $14.57Heifers50.6
Benefits of CIDR 1. 1.No heats during treatment – no early estrus 2. 2.High concentration of heats within a short time period (24-48 h post CIDR removal) * allows for use of TAI * reduces amount of time for heat detection 3. Ease of use – both insertion and removal
Appreciation Pharmacia & Upjohn – CIDR’s and Lutalyse Intervet, Inc. – Fertagyl Select Sires – semen Quinn Cattle Co. - Chadron, NE Beef Improvement Center – Saratoga, WY San Juan Basin Research Center Staff