Balance, Kinthestic Geotropic, and Equilibrioception By Andria Melin
Kinesthetic geotropic/ balance is an instrument for determining the weight or the mass of a physical body
Semicircular canals The semicircular canals of the inner ear are three joints that come up together in a lump, or a vestibule
In neutral head position: The lateral canal is excited by the rotation towards it The anterior canal is pitched either up or down The posterior semicircular canal is linear, and identifies acceleration
Equilibrioception The sense of acceleration
Equilibrioception cont. The vestibular system detects speed. Visual system and proprioception help balance, to know where you are, and how are you standing, running, walking, etc. Example- standing on one foot with your eyes closed vs. opening your eyes and standing on one foot.
Disfunctions… When balance is interrupted, it may cause dizziness (vertigo), disorientation, or nausea. Could be upset by Meniere’s disease, superior (lateral) canal dihlscence syndrome, inner ear infection, or a bad common cold Rapid, vigorous, movements like a merry-go-round can upset balance Astronauts find balance impaired when orbiting due to weightlessness. It is a form of motion sickness called space adaption syndrome
Balance and animals Cats have a better sense of equilibrioception. They uses their inner ear and tail. Marine animals use an entirely different organ called the statocyst. It detects which way is up by the position of the tiny calcareous stones jpg
Work Cited 00 x.html x.html Shumway-Cook A, Anson D, Haller S. "Postural sway biofeedback: its effect on reestablishing stance stability in hemiplegic patients," Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 1988, vol. 69, pp