Physics 117 Fall 2013 Electromagnetism and Optics Section 001 MWF 10AM Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Weinberg-Wolf – Phillips 216 Graduate Assistants: Erik Forseyth Arada Malekian
Needed for SCALE-UP Format Recommended Text: Fundamentals of Physics, 9th Ed. by Halliday, Resnick and Walker (OK to use earlier editions) Notebook: Quad-ruled (quadrille), 8”×10”, ~90 sheets (sewn binding) MasteringPhysics (Course ID: MPWEINBERGWOLFFALL2013 Access to Sakai Site Bring laptop to class
Save paper – use notebooks and email! Open an email to me right now: Your preferred name Year/Major Which section of 116 were you in (SCALE-UP or traditional)? Why physics? Something interesting about yourself (this helps me learn all your names!)
Reasons for Taking Physics 117 You’ll always have something to do on Sat nights Labs are good protection from the sun’s harmful rays Multicolored figures keep you from nodding off while reading E&M is less fattening than M&M You get to do things math teachers told you not to Finally answers the question “is it ok to stick a fork into the toaster” It’s cost-effective - you get to reuse your Phys116 text You’ll develop a magnetic personality It’s better than Phys105 Get to use units with cool names like “Henry”
Course Schedule and Syllabus Material to be covered: Chapters 21-36 in Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, 9th Edition Electrostatics, Charges at Rest Steady Currents and Magnetism Moving Charges, Changing Currents Induction, and Circuits Electromagnetic Waves Optics For details, see Syllabus and Schedule on Sakai Note the due dates listed on the schedule – don’t get overwhelmed, but stay on top of the material
Grades Final exam (cumulative): 20% Mid-term exams (total): 20% Quizzes 10% Lab activities: 20% (15% Reports and notebooks, 5% lab exam) Other In-class work 10% (Group worksheets, attendance, general participation, extra-credit*) Homework (Mastering Physics): 15% Warm-Up questions (Sakai) 5% * Extra-credit possibilities: 1 short essay, finding typos in posted work, emailing good extra resources
Assignments Homework Warmups MasteringPhysics at (online homework system): Course ID: MPWEINBERGWOLFFALL2013 To be assigned roughly once a week – Due Tuesdays at 7AM Warmups On Sakai site 1-3 questions before each class period Due 9 AM before class (1st one this Friday)
Lab Notebooks DAILY entry Will be collected and graded at each midterm Possible spot checks during semester SHORT Description of Experimental work Date, diagrams, purpose Record Observations Tables Numbers Graphs Mistakes Analysis and Results – words! Conclusions/summaries – words again!
Collaborative Group Learning I’m not going to talk a lot!!!! (after today) Work in groups of three (for the most part) Depending on the day we will Do a lab Show a demo Work on a worksheet Work on longer ponderables Listen to a short lecture Run a simulation Watch a video All of the above!
Some data on SCALE-UP…
Electrostatics Play with tape Can you get to part 3?