CHARM Program: 3 Component trials comparing candesartan with placebo
CHARM Program: Baseline characteristics
CHARM Program: Baseline medications
CHARM-Overall: CV death and non-CV death
CHARM Program: Reduction in mortality and morbidity
CHARM Program: Reduction in CHF hospitalization
CHARM-Preserved: Hospital admissions for CHF
CHARM-Overall: Effects of candesartan on CV death or HF hospitalization—Subgroup analysis
CHARM-Overall: Effects of candesartan on CV death or HF hospitalization—Subgroup analysis (cont’d)
CHARM-Added: Effect of combined ACE inhibitor/ -blocker/AT1-receptor blocker
CHARM-Overall: Drug discontinuations for adverse events
CHARM: Clinical implications
CHARM-Overall: Reduction in new-onset diabetes
CHARM: Impact of treatment
HF with preserved LV systolic function in the elderly: Impact on survival
CHARM-Preserved: CV death or CHF hospitalization
CHARM-Preserved: Primary and secondary outcomes
CHARM-Preserved: Clinical implications
VALIANT: Concomitant medications
VALIANT: Treatments show similar effect on outcome
VALIANT: Clinical implications
VALIANT: Effect of treatment on mortality—Subgroup analysis
RESOLVD: Comparative impact of ACE inhibitor, ARB, and -blocker alone or combined on LVEF
Differences in dosing among ARB trials
Survival studies of -blockade in HF
-Blockers improve survival in diabetic patients with HF: A meta-analysis
MERIT-HF: -Blockade improves survival in CHF
MERIT-HF: -Blockade improves survival in post-MI patients with HF
MERIT-HF: Subgroup analysis in post-MI patients with HF (LVEF <25%)
SOLVD: Heart rate predicts progression of asymptomatic LV dysfunction
MERIT-HF: Effect of -blockade on heart rate
MERIT-HF: -Blockade decreases mortality and hospitalization independent of resting heart rate
CHRISTMAS: Trial profile
CHRISTMAS: Change in LVEF according to number of segments affected by myocardial hibernation
COMET: Trial profile
COMET: All-cause mortality
COMET: Heart rate at each visit
COMET: Blood pressure
-Blocker HF trials: Mortality results
Mortality rates in perspective CIBIS-II, MERIT-HF, COMET
Immediate-release vs sustained release metoprolol: Significant pharmacokinetic differences
COMET: Clinical implications
Comparison of -blocker effects in major HF trials
Not all -blockers are the same