Awareness Seminar Admission Processes for Degree Engineering (BE/B. Tech.) Degree / Diploma Pharmacy Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) Hotel & Tourism Management (HTM) Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) ACPC Building, L. D. College of Engg. Campus Ahmedabad – 380015, Phone : 079-26300360
General information regarding admissions PART-I General information regarding admissions
How to Choose course / Institute Liking of the Student Financial Capacity of the Parents The merit of candidate Selection of Institute may depends on; Cut-off marks of last year (available in booklet) Infrastructure facilities Qualified faculties and faculty retention ratio Research activities in the institutes Placement and tie-ups with industries Personal visit to institutes
Eligibility for Admission For Degree Engineering (BE/B.Tech) HSC (Science) 45 % Open (40 % for SC/ST/SEBC) of theory or theory and practical marks of Physics & Maths with Chemistry or Biology or Computer. + JEE-Main-2014 For Gujarat Board candidates: only theory of PCM, out of 300, min 135 (open), 120 (Category) Theory & Practical of PCM, out of 400, min 180 (open), 160 (cat) For CBSE /ICSE/IB/NIOS candidates: only theory of PCM, out of 240, min 108 (open), 96 (cat) Theory & Practical of PCM, out of 300, min 135 (open), 120 (cat) If candidate is not eligible with Chemistry subject then marks of Computer or Biology subject can be considered.
Eligibility for Admission For Degree / Diploma Pharmacy HSC (Science) 45 % Open (40 % for SC/ST/SEBC) of theory or theory and practical marks of Physics & Chemistry with Maths or Biology or Computer. + JEE-Main-2014 or GUJCET-2014 For Gujarat Board candidates: only theory of PCB, out of 300, min 135 (open), 120 (cat) Theory & Practical of PCM, out of 400, min 180 (open), 160 (cat) For CBSE/ICSE/IB/NIOS candidates: only theory of PCB, out of 240, min 108 (open), 96 (cat) Theory & Practical of PCM, out of 300, min 135 (open), 120 (cat) If candidate is not eligible with Biology subject then marks of Computer or Mathematics subject can be considered.
Eligibility for Admission For Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) HSC (Science) or HSC (Commerce) with Mathematics or Business Mathematics or Statistics as one of the Subject or Diploma In Architecture 50 % Open (45 % for SC/ST/SEBC) + National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) (Min 80 Marks) Imp: The Score of JEE-Main, Part-2 is not considered for Eligibility
Eligibility for Admission For Degree in Hotel & Tourism Management HSC Passed with any stream 45 % Open (40 % for SC/ST/SEBC) + No Entrance Test
Merit of IIT, RAM is 60 % JEE-Main + 40 % PCM Marks Seats for Admissions ACPC does the admission on following seats by single merit list 100 % seats of Government & Grant-In-Aid (GIA) Institutes + 75 % seats of Self-financed Institutes (SFI) are called as Government Seats 25 % Seats of SFIs are called as Management Seats (including NRI) and filled by respective institutes as a Management Quota Seats with the guidelines given by ACPC + The admission on 50 % seats of following institutes are filled by ACPC with single merit DAIICT, Gandhinagar Faculty of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Pandit Dindyal Petroleum University (PDPU), Gandhinagar Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research and Management (IIT, RAM), Maninagar, Ahmedabad For remaining 50 % seats of above institutes, candidate has to apply to respective institute separately. Merit list of above institutes excluding IIT,RAM is prepared on the basis of JEE-Main only. Merit of IIT, RAM is 60 % JEE-Main + 40 % PCM Marks
Summery of Institutes & Seats Course No of Institutes No of Seats Govt. & GIA SFI Total BE/ B Tech 19 102 121 10164 57797 62961 B. Pharmacy 4 73 77 235 4590 4825 Diploma Pharmacy 8 530 B. Arch. 1 17 18 40 1097 1140 HTM 2 120
Summery of Seats Course wise Sr No Name of Course Govt/ GIA SFI Total 1 Aeronautical Engineering 60 2 Automobile Engineering 240 1740 1984 3 Bio-Medical Engineering 180 4 Chemical Engineering 504 720 1224 5 Civil Engineering 1550 8744 10294 6 Computer Engineering / Computer Sci. & Engg. 1005 7305 8310 7 Electrical Engineering 1320 8353 9673 8 EC / ETC 1425 5565 6990 9 Information Technology 570 2985 3555 10 Instrumentation & Control 465 405 870 11 Mechanical Engineering 1620 14670 16290 12 ICT, Environmental Engg, Marine Engg, Manufacturing Engg, Nano Technology, Petroleum Engg, Plastic Technology, Rubber, TT, Water Management: Total 40
Reservation of Seats and Documents required As per the Reservation policy of Government of Gujarat SC = 7 % (Scheduled Cast caste Certificate) ST = 15 % (Scheduled Tribe caste Certificate) SEBC = 27 % ( Socially and Educationally Backward Class Certificate & Non- creamy layer certificate issued after 1 April 2014) Ds = 1 % (Defense Personnel, in-servicemen certificate issuing authority Commanding officer of unit & Ex- servicemen issuing authority District Welfare Board)
Calculation of Merit Marks Degree Engineering Admissions 60 % weightage of the percentile marks obtained in the theory subjects (PCM) combined with 40 % weightage of the percentile marks obtained in the JEE-Main-2014 Percentile marks of PCM of Board Exam * 0.60 + Percentile marks of PCM of JEE-Main-2014 Exam * 0.40 = Merit Marks (Common merit list for GB, CBSE, ICSE, NIOS & IB)
Calculation of Merit Marks Degree/ Diploma Pharmacy Admissions 60 % weightage of the percentile marks obtained in the theory subjects (PCB/M) combined with 40 % weightage of the percentile marks obtained in the JEE-Main Percentile marks of PCB/M of Board Exam * 0.60 + Percentile marks of PCM of JEE-Main/GUJCET Exam * 0.40 = Merit Marks
Calculation of Merit Marks Bachelor of Architecture Admissions 50 % of the aggregate marks of all subject obtained in the HSC examination with 50 % marks obtained in the NATA Aggregate Marks obtained in Board Exam * 0.50 + Score of NATA Exam * 0.50 = Merit Marks
TFW Scheme The maximum up to 5 % of intake of Government / Grant-in-aid and Self- financed institutes seats are considered, theses are supernumerary seats, No tuition fees to be paid during four years, The Scheme is for all category of candidates including open, The admission is given on the basis of merit only. while filling choices separate choice has to give. Eligibility Criteria: The annual income of family from all sources shall be less than 4.5 lakhs. Income certificate issued after 31 March 2014 by following authorities; a) Jan-seva Kendra, Collector office, b) Mamlatdar / Deputy Mamalatdar, c) Taluka Vikas Adhikari (TDO) d) Samaj Kalyan office Following documents are not valid: form-16, income tax return copy, Certificate issued by Sarpanch.
Bank Loan Facility Need Based Finance up to 10 Lacs Security: Loan is given jointly to the student & parents, Up to 4.5 Lacs: no security requires & From 4.5 lacs to 7.50 lacs: satisfactory third party guarantee Processing Fee: No Processing/upfront charges may be levied on loans Repayment: Commences two years after completion of the course or six month after getting employment. No repayment penalty Rate of Interest: Interest to be charged at rates linked on base rate as decided by individual banks. Simple interest to be charged during study period and up to commencement of repayment Eligibility: Should be an Indian National & should be secured admission on merit to professional/technical courses in India including MQ. Interest subsidy to Economically Weaker Section (EWC): EWC means whose family income is less than 4.5 lacs. Income certificate shall be issued by District Collector, Dy. Collector/Asst. Collector/Prantr Officer & Mamlatdar. Students shall have to obtained their Aadhar cards and PAN Card
Online Admission Process Stages of Online Admission Registration 2) Preparation of Merit & Choice Filling 3) Allotment of Admission The online admission Process for BE/B.Tech, Degree/Diploma Pharmacy, B. Arch & HTM is similar
Registration Requires separate PIN for different admission For Registration to BE/B. Tech/Pharmacy/Architecture & HTM Admissions you Requires separate PIN for different admission (cost of PIN is Rs. 350/-) PIN & Information Booklet will available from designated branches of Punjab National Bank during time period prescribed by ACPC. Schedule for different admission will be different. After purchasing the PIN and Booklet, read Information Booklet carefully before start the online registration
Important websites For Online Registration For details like List of Institutes Last year cut-off List of help centers List of branches of bank Rules of Admissions important announcements made by ACPC time to time
Important Don’t share your PIN and Password with anyone to avoid the miss-use of the same Don’t loss the PIN cover: if you lost the PIN cover, to get the new PIN, you have to report at ACPC office, Ahmedabad only, with certain identity proof. It cannot be issued at Help Center. Forget Password, generated it online. Don’t deposit your original documents at any help center or Institutes. Deposit the balance fees at institute after completion of final round of ACPC.
ACPC Help Line Number ACPC 24 X 7 Help line Number is 079-26431444