12 - 1 Chapter Twelve Incentives and Performance-Based Rewards.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Twelve Incentives and Performance-Based Rewards

Chapter Outline 為何使用績效薪資制度 ? 有哪些常見的方式 ? 優缺點 ? –Merit-pay plans( 功績薪酬 ) –Incentive Compensation Systems( 獎勵性薪 酬 ) –Teams and Group Incentive Reward Systems( 團體獎勵 ) 推行績效薪資制度有哪些注意事項 ?

為何使用績效薪資制度 ?

Rewards, Motivation, and Performance in Organizations

Agency Theory( 代理理論 ) Is concerned with the diverse interests and goals held by the organization’s stakeholders ( 組織中不同利害關係人, 關心的利益 與目標均不相同 ), including its employees and managers, and the methods through which the organization’s reward system can be used to align these diverse interests and goals.

有哪些常見的績效薪資制度 ? –Merit-pay plans( 功績薪酬 ) –Incentive Compensation Systems( 獎勵性薪 酬 ) –Teams and Group Incentive Reward Systems( 團體獎勵 )

Merit Compensation Systems Merit pay ( 功績薪酬 ) –Pay awarded to employees on the basis of the relative value of their contributions to the organization Merit-pay plans ( 功績薪酬計畫 ) –Compensation plans that formally base at least some meaningful portion of compensation on merit

Limitations of Merit Compensation Systems They focus almost exclusively on individual performance.( 專注於個人 ) They are based primarily on performance appraisal systems, which may be subject to error.( 依賴準確地績效評估 ) They may be prone to focusing on too broad a period of performance.( 考慮的範圍太廣 ) They are subject to considerable disagreement among employees.( 員工未必認同 ) Increases given to individuals become a permanent part of base pay.( 調薪是永久性的 )

Incentive Compensation Systems Piece-rate incentive plan ( 按件計酬 ) –Paying an employee a certain amount of money for every unit she or he produces Individual incentive plans ( 個人獎勵計畫 ) –Reward individual performance on a real- time basis Sales commission ( 銷售佣金 ) –An incentive paid to salespeople

Limitations of Incentive Compensation Systems They are practical only when performance can be measured easily and objectively.( 績效必須能客觀衡量 ) They are often an administrative burden.( 行政管理較繁複 ) They are likely to focus attention on only a narrow range of behaviors, perhaps at the expense of other behaviors.( 通常僅能 著眼於小部分的特定行為 )

Team and Group Incentive Reward Systems Gainsharing ( 成果分享 ) – 例如 Scanlon plan ( 史甘隆計畫 ) Profit sharing ( 利潤分享 )

Limitations of Team and Group Reward Systems Not every member of a group may contribute equally to the group’s performance.( 團隊成員的貢獻度不一 ) Employees may not see how their efforts lead to increased profits.( 努力與績 效之間的連結較弱 )

推行績效薪資制度有哪些注意事項 ? Reward systems should provide incentives to employees so that they work for the desired outcomes. ( 對於好的行為, 必須要提供誘因 ) Organization must be careful that the incentive plan does not encourage undesirable behaviors and outcomes. ( 注意避免後遺症 )