August 27, 2007
Required Testing in the State of Michigan According to NCLB (federal law) all students are to be tested in 3 rd – 8 th grade and again in 11 th grade With the ultimate goal of improving the Michigan workforce and economy, the legislature has instituted the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) for all 11 th grade students in the State of Michigan in place of the MEAP Students receive the benefit of being measured using assessments that directly measure college readiness, workplace readiness, and qualification for the Michigan Promise Scholarship Schools will be measured using the MME to determine AYP and the Michigan ED-YES report card grade
Components of the MME ACT plus Writing This is the official ACT college entrance test – a $43 test (paid by the state) that will result in a regular college reportable score Students may select to send this score to four different colleges, free of charge
Components of the MME ACT Work Keys These tests measure workplace readiness in the areas of: Reading for Information (Part of the MME) Applied Mathematics (Part of the MME) Locating Information (Not a part of the MME) Students may earn a Career Readiness Certificate
Components of the MME Michigan Math (15 items) Michigan Science (53 items) Michigan Social Studies Part I – 26 items, 1 written response Part II – 31 items, 1 written response
The National ACT Career Readiness Certificate It is a credential, like a driver’s license, that tells an employer what skills the holder possesses Eleven economically improving states already issue a similar credential It is earned by passing three ACT Work Keys Tests Reading for Information (3 or higher) Applied mathematics (3 or higher) Locating Information (3 or higher) It is now being issued nationally by ACT Some employers will not hire candidates without one It is NOT a replacement for a high school diploma
The National ACT Career Readiness Certificate Work Keys Skill Level BronzeSilverGold Reading for Information 345 Applied Mathematics 345 Locating Information 345 Starting Salary Range in $,000’s
How Students Scored
CPHS had 35 Students Qualify as E.D.
How Students Scored CPHS had 10 Students Test w/ Accommodations
How Students Scored
The Michigan Promise Scholarship Replaces the Michigan Merit Award this year Students may earn up to $4000 after successful completion of 2 years of college or vocational training in Michigan Students MUST take the full MME to qualify Students passing the MME will earn $2000 after high school ($1000 per year for the first 2 years of college and then $2000 upon completion) Visit for more information
Make-Up and Retesting Opportunities Re-Testing as a Senior If a student does not pass the MME, one free re-test is available to students in October of 2007 (This will include the ACT AND ALL OTHER MME TEST COMPONENTS) Only 2 students of 158 tested did not receive a complete set of MME scores.
Implications This data suggests CPHS has many reasons to be proud! Focus BEST PRACTICE instruction on more rigorous reading, writing, and mathematics in all courses CPHS has removed low-track courses from its curriculum (Math and Science) Planned interventions for struggling students must be developed, communicated, and utilized by students
Questions and Answers Thank you for your attention. This presentation can be found at the Comstock Park High School Website