ZML ZNG ZING “Z39.50 over XML” “Z39.50 Next Generation” “Z39.50-international: Next Generation”
ZML ZNG ZING “Z39.50 over XML” “Z39.50 Next Generation” “Z39.50-international: Next Generation”
ZML ZNG ZING “Z39.50 over XML” “Z39.50 Next Generation” “Z39.50-international: Next Generation”
ZING srwsruZOOM ez3950 Zee-rex
ZING srwsruZOOM ez3950 Zee-rex
ZING srwsruZOOM ez3950 Explain--
ZING srwsruZOOM ez3950 ‘Splain
ZING srwsruZOOM ez3950 Zed-rex
ZING srwsruZOOM ez3950 Zee-rex
ZML “Z39.50 over XML” Conceived At CNI, Spring 2001; as a Z39.50 Profile; By: Pat Poul Henrik Ray Bill
“Path B” Decouple Z39.50 from underlying syntax and transport ASN.1/BER Directly over TCP Develop profiles using different syntaxes and over different transports Inter-profile interoperability not an initial priority Ultimately, one will “win”;
ZML Assumptions Some Z39.50 features might merit reconsideration in a web/XML world Some of the fundamental features must be maintained Architectural Premises
ZML Assumptions Some Z39.50 features might merit reconsideration in a web/XML world Some of the fundamental features must be maintained Architectural Premises
ZML Assumptions Some Z39.50 features might merit reconsideration in a web/XML world Some of the fundamental features must be maintained Architectural Premises
Z39.50 features than might merit reconsideration in a web/XML world Connections/Sessions/State Multiple services bound together in a single protocol Distinct Search and Present services Databases Record Syntaxes RPN ASN.1/BER
Z39.50 SRW/U Connections/Sessions/State Multiple services bound together in a single protocol Distinct Search and Present services Databases Record Syntaxes RPN ASN.1/BER Connectionless, stateless Different Z39.50 services are different web services Search/Present bound in a single web service Servers Just one: XML String query language XML
Z39.50 Features than should be retained in a web/XML World Result Sets Abstract Access points Abstract Record schemas Explain Diagnostics
Architectural Premises An XML Protocol Remote Procedure Calls SOAP HTTP
Architectural Premises An XML Protocol Remote Procedure Calls SOAP HTTP
XML Protocol Protocol Messages Defined by an XML Schema Data Record syntax always XML Record Schema significant
Architectural Premises An XML Protocol Remote Procedure Calls SOAP HTTP
Architectural Premises An XML Protocol Remote Procedure Calls SOAP HTTP
ZING srwsru
ZING srwsru
Z39.50 TCP Classic Z39.50
SOAP/HTTP Z39.50 TCP Classic Z39.50 SRW TCP “Search and Retrieve web Service” SOAP HTTP
SRW/U SRW Search and Retrieve Web Service SRU Search and Retrieve URL Service
Components CQL Schemas Request Response Explain WSDL Definition URL Syntax (for SRU)
Metadata Schemas Dublin Core ONIX MODS
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
Pergamum A partnership between PUCPR, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil; and PUC-Rio. Plan to implement SRW using PHP/Linux.
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
Tilburg University Will implement both SRW/SRU client and server in the iPort software.
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
Knowledge Integration Ltd adding SRW adapters to both the client and server components in JZKit: a Java toolkit for building distributed information retrieval systems with emphasis on Z39.50
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
SIRSI Working on a perl client, a web search- form front-end with a perl cgi script on the backend.
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
EDINA Edinburgh University Data Library Considering SRW as part of Xgrain: broker for use by DNER portals and local institutions enabling cross-searching between Z39.50 A&I and toc services (DNER is “Distributed National Electronic Resource” of JISC in the UK) perl or java A&I and TOC services, and Geospatial data
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
Koninlijke Bibliotheek Implementing an SRU server.
Implementors Pergamum Tilburg University Knowledge Integration Ltd SIRSI RMIT OCLC EDINA PICA Oxford DBK Koninlijke Bibliotheek Library of Congress
Building an SRW client, for testing servers. Then we’ll build a server. Plan to provide harvested OIA data via the SRW server. Longer-range plan is to build an SRW/Z39.50 gateway, to allow access to our Z39.50 server from an SRW client. MARC records would be converted to MODS.