HS-MASS High School Math and Science Success Materials prepared by the Michigan Math & Science Centers Network Michigan Department of Education Workshops offered through a cooperative effort between Wexford-Missaukee and Manistee Intermediate School Districts
Goals of Workshop To increase awareness and knowledge of new High School Content Expectations (HSCE) and associated Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) and Michigan Merit Exam (MME)
Expectations of Participants 1. Complete a pre-program survey 2. Administer a student PRE and POST – instructional activity assessment in your classes pertinent to the project (test items will model the ACT portion of the new high school science and mathematics test). Return completed tests to Jodi Redman. 3. Complete an end-of-program survey 4. Submit a paper copy of your instructional activity as per workshop guidelines
“The best ways to prepare for both the MEAP and the MME are to make sure your high school curriculum covers the state defined content and encourage students to take rigorous high school courses and study hard. While test-prep courses have some benefit, your students’ best way to prepare is to study a rigorous curriculum under good teacher direction.” “The best ways to prepare for both the MEAP and the MME are to make sure your high school curriculum covers the state defined content and encourage students to take rigorous high school courses and study hard. While test-prep courses have some benefit, your students’ best way to prepare is to study a rigorous curriculum under good teacher direction.” Planning for the Michigan Merit Examination by Ed Roeber
“Statistics from ACT indicate that students who take more math classes, do better in the math component. Further, it appears that their improved scores are not necessarily based on how well they have done (grade achieved) in the class, but rather the additional exposure to the mathematical reasoning process that makes the difference.” “Statistics from ACT indicate that students who take more math classes, do better in the math component. Further, it appears that their improved scores are not necessarily based on how well they have done (grade achieved) in the class, but rather the additional exposure to the mathematical reasoning process that makes the difference.” John Carroll, ACT Senior Consultant Paraphrased statement made at Paraphrased statement made at TBAISD Workshop, Jan. 8, 2006 TBAISD Workshop, Jan. 8, 2006
Through collaborative research with postsecondary institutions nationwide, ACT has established the following college readiness benchmarks*: * Minimum score needed on an ACT subject-area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college course. ACT College Readiness Benchmarks ACT Readiness Benchmarks for Credit-Earning College Courses College EXPLORE (8 th /9 th )PLAN (10 th )ACT (11 th /12 th ) Credit-EarningCollege ReadinessCollege ReadinessCollege Readiness CourseBenchmarksBenchmarksBenchmarks English Comp.EnglishEnglishEnglish AlgebraMathMathMath Social ScienceReadingReadingReading BiologyScienceScienceScience
ACT College Readiness Comparison of ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores to Grade Level and High School Content Expectations Comparison of ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores to High School Course Standards and Expectations Michigan High School Content Expectations for Mathematics
Resources for High School Content Expectations, Graduation Requirements, and ACT/WorkKeys preparation Wexford-Missaukee ISD – Michigan Merit Exam page High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all content areas High School Graduation Requirements ACT Test Prep website: Includes test description, sample test items, free 80-page booklet Preparing for the ACT, and more! Preparing for the WorkKeys Assessment (or from the Michigan Merit Exam home page:
…resources continued WorkKeys Applied Mathematics Test Description and Sample Items: WorkKeys Reading for Information Test Description and Sample Items: WorkKeys Practice Tests: MDE Mathematics Resource website: MDE English Language Arts Resource website: MCTM Michigan Math/Science Centers