Operations Training for Your Squadron February, 2010 Part 1 D/Lt. Anita F. Walker, JN
2 About Operations Training Understand how the organization is structured, operates and goals/objectives Understand the relationship among squadron, district and national levels Discuss available course materials Leadership development and teambuilding through committees
3 Organizational To develop new members by encouraging involvement in USPS activities and to identify potential leaders Personal To acquaint new members with the organization of USPS, the advantages of membership and the opportunities membership provides for self- fulfillment through civic service, self-education and fellowship The Purpose of OTP
4 Tentative Schedule Week 1 Module I Introduction Squadrons, District, National Week 2 Module I Education and Training Module II Staffing Part of Leadership Week 3 Module II Balance of Leadership Communications Week 4 Module III Conducting a Meeting USPS Protocols
5 Time Commitment and Expectations The whole course should take about eight hours – four weeks We’ll work about two hours per night – this is an interactive course, not formal instruction We’ll customize (lengthen or shorten) discussions based upon our needs The entire Operations Manual is on-line and can be downloaded individually Any questions?
6 Highlights of USPS History Four U.S. presidents commended USPS for service to the nation and the American people including special contributions made during two world wars Origin: a “Power Squadron” organized within the Boston Yacht Club in January 1913 United States Power Squadrons founded 2 February 1914 at the New York Yacht Club 1945: first USPS headquarters established in New Jersey; district organization developed November 1982: first female members admitted
7 Your Squadron History
8 Tonight’s Agenda Module I Introduction Squadrons of USPS Districts of USPS USPS National Organization
9 USPS Mission Statement USPS has an “External Mission” to the boating community at large: To accomplish the external mission while providing fellowship for USPS members and an “Internal Mission” as America’s Boating Club To promote recreational boating through education and civic activities Introduction
10 USPS Triangle Graphic Presentation of USPS Mission Introduction
11 USPS Vision Statement USPS will be recognized as: The national leader for improving boating safety through outstanding educational programs and civic activities Strong with a growing membership and increased member satisfaction Introduction
12 Members Achieve The USPS Mission Through voluntary contributions of their time and energy With the camaraderie of working alongside people of similar values To achieve satisfaction of being engaged in worthwhile activities for the common good Let’s talk about the internal and external aspects of the mission Introduction
13 Membership Is a Privilege Active Senior Member – earned 5 merit marks 25-Year Member – member for 25 years Sustaining Member – paid National dues 20 times Governing Board Member Emeritus – earned 50 merit marks Family – non-voting Honorary – good for one year Corporate – new class of membership Introduction
14 Membership Carries Many Benefits Tangible benefits: Leadership opportunities and experience, amateur radio net, youth activities, on- the-water activities, the ENSIGN, discounts Intangible benefits: The most important benefits are intangible, including the knowledge and skills of seamanship and navigation, life-long friendships, self esteem, development of individual potential …….the list is endless Introduction
15 Three Classifications of Officers National, district and squadron Elected or appointed Bridge – Commander, Executive Officer, Educational Officer, Administrative Officer, Secretary and Treasurer Introduction
16 Merit Marks Awarded for significant service related to achieving the mission of USPS Only one merit mark can be received by a member in any given year Although the rewards of service to the USPS mission are limitless, a merit mark is the only “payment” received It’s vital to submit merit mark hours on a timely basis! Introduction
17 Merit Marks 5 merit marks 25 merit marks Introduction
18 USPS Has Three Organizational Levels Simultaneously, Active Members may become elected officers or appointed officers at any of the three levels of USPS organization: Squadron District National Organization
19 Officers - Nomenclature At each level, the commander is the top dog At the squadron and district levels, the departments are headed by Lieutenant Commanders, but at the national level they are headed by Vice Commanders In squadrons and districts, committee chairs are Lieutenants; at national level they are Rear Commanders Organization
20 Squadron Organization See Page 6 of Operations Training Manual Squadron
21 Squadrons Operate Under the USPS Bylaws Members must be able and willing to serve Members must be 18 years old Members must pass the USPS Boating Course or authorized equivalent (moratorium until 2010) Squadron
22 Squadron Membership Is the Ruling Body Regular business meetings with the commander presiding Annual meetings for elections Elected Officers: Commander, executive officer, squadron education officer, administrative officer, secretary and treasurer Assistant education officer, administrative, secretary and treasurer General Committees: Auditing, nominating and rules committee Executive Committee Most work is done through committees: elected and appointed Squadron
23 Standing Committees Are Appointed Standing committees Finance Housing Law officer Merit mark Personnel Property Supply officer Squadron
24 The Commander’s Department: Ranking officer of the squadron Responsible for the membership Presides at all squadron general and executive committee meetings Ex officio member of all committees except general committees Member of the Governing Board and District council Responsible to turnover all documents, communications, etc at the end of term of office Squadron
25 The Executive Department: Committees Boat shows Cooperative Charting Legislature Public Relations Liaison Radio-Technical Safety Vessel Safety These are the external functions of the squadron Ex officio member of all committees in XO dept Responsible to turnover all documents, communications, etc at the end of term of office Squadron
26 The Education Department: Assists the commander Manages the Education Department Member of District Educational Department Serves as liaison for district and national information Responsible to turnover all documents, communications, etc at the end of term of office Squadron
27 The Administrative Department: Committees Membership Membership Involvement Building/Housing Boating Activities Entertainment Meetings Programs These are the internal functions of the squadron Ex officio member of all committees in AO dept Responsible to turnover all documents, communications, etc at the end of term of office Squadron
28 The Secretary: Committees Historian Roster MARINER editor ENSIGN correspondent Calling Other committees assigned by the bylaws (calling) Responsible for all squadron correspondence, minutes, calls for meetings, maintaining official squadron records Squadron
29 The Treasurer: Responsible for collecting, holding, and disbursing squadron funds Keeping appropriate records, making required reports Filing tax forms and returns Responsible for ensuring all squadron funds are properly accounted for Works closely with Finance Committee Squadron
30 USPS Districts Organized geographically Organizational structure for the purpose of informing and assisting squadrons Each district has its own bylaws Districts provide a communications link between the Governing Board and squadrons Each squadron member is a member of the district See page 12 for organization chart District
31 District Committees District departmental organization corresponds to that of squadrons Squadron chair reports to district chair and is a member of the district departmental committee District chair offers assistance to squadron chairs and keeps them informed of action taken by national committee District
32 USPS Districts Standing Committees Finance Law Personnel Educational Fund General Committees Auditing Rules Planning Officers Commander (DC) Executive (DXO) Education (DEO) Administrative (DAO) Secretary Treasurer District See pages for more details
33 Two Types of District Meetings District Conference Membership meeting of the district Voting members – District bridge, commanders, delegates Two per year in District 8 – Spring is elections Council Meetings Board of directors Conducts business of District 8 between Conferences District
34 USPS Headquarters Location: Raleigh, NC Functions and Facilities : Administrative Support Membership Records Computer and Printing facilities Storage Warehouse Chapman Library USPS Conference Room Location: Raleigh, NC Functions and Facilities : Administrative Support Membership Records Computer and Printing facilities Storage Warehouse Chapman Library Conference Facilities National
35 National Committees In general, national departments correspond to those of districts and squadrons, but there are no national liaison or radio technical committees National committees provide material needed at the squadron level for achievement of committee goals They also provide district chairs with relevant data and report on activities at the national level National
36 Who’s on the Governing Board? Chief Commander, Vice Commanders, Rear Commanders, members of national general committees District Commanders, District Educational Officers Squadron Commanders Past Chief Commanders, Past Vice Commanders, Governing Board Members Emeritus Elected General Members (1 for each 600 members) National
37 What Does the Governing Board Do? Regulates management and policies Makes and executes contracts Fills vacancies in offices at annual meeting Publishes THE ENSIGN and other publications Passes on charter applications Regulates uniforms, insignia, flags Approves annual budget and member dues National Governing Board meets twice a year and the Operating Committee (OPCom) handles our business between meetings Governing Board meets twice a year and the Operating Committee (OPCom) handles our business between meetings
38 Resolutions for USPS organization modification and/or procedures proposed by the members of a squadron move through the district and the national executive officer to the Governing Board How to Change Our Rules Squadron, District and National
39 Summary and a Look Ahead Tonight Module I Introduction Squadrons, District, National Next Week Module I Education and Training Module II Staffing Part of Leadership