Vocational (technical) routes: Construction Level 1 Electrical Installations Plumbing & Heating Brickwork Carpentry and Joinery Painting and Decorating Plastering 3 GCSEs at D or above including Maths, English and either Science Level 2 Electrical Installations Plumbing Bricklaying Bench Joinery Painting and Decorating Site Carpentry Plastering Construction Maintenance operations Level 3 Bricklaying Site Carpentry Plumbing and Heating Electrical Installations Work/ApprenticeshipHigher education Level 1 Construction (general) 3 GCSEs grade E or above including Maths and English, and demonstrate an aptitude for construction
Vocational route: Construction Level 1 Certificate/Diploma Construction 3 GCSEs grade E or above including Maths and English, and demonstrate an aptitude for construction Level 2 Certificate/Diploma Construction 3 GCSEs grade D or above including Maths, English and Science, and demonstrate an aptitude for construction Level 3 Certificate/Diploma Construction 4 GCSEs grade C including Maths, English and Science, or First diploma and Maths and English at grade C or above First certificate and 3 GCSEs grade C or above including Maths and English Work/Apprenticeship Higher education
Vocational (technical) routes: Hair Level 1 Hairdressing 3 GCSEs grade D or above including English, demonstrate motivation and personal qualities required to work in the industry Level 2 Hairdressing With the correct skills set from other L1 or L2 Hair qualification studied at school it may be possible to enter an intensive L2 Hairdressing course Level 3 Hairdressing Entry Hairdressing or Beauty Therapy 2 GCSEs grade F in Maths and English or equivalent, and demonstrate an interest in the subject Work/Apprenticeship Higher education
Vocational (technical) routes: Beauty Level 1 Beauty Therapy 3 GCSEs grade D or above including English, and demonstrate motivation and personal qualities required to work in the industry Level 2 Beauty Therapy Level 3 Beauty Therapy or Spa Therapy Entry Hairdressing or Beauty Therapy 2 GCSEs grade F in Maths and English or equivalent, and demonstrate an interest in the subject 3 GCSEs grade C or above including English, and demonstrate motivation and personal qualities required to work in the industry Work/Apprenticeship Higher education
Vocational routes: Hair, Media Make Up, and Beauty Level 3 Beauty Therapy 4 GCSEs grade A* to C including English Language and a science subject BTEC First Merit/Distinction plus English Language at Grade C or above and a Science (if applied, at Merit/Distinction) Level 1 Hair & Media Make-Up 4 GCSEs grade D or above including English and Art- related subject, and demonstrate motivation and personal qualities required to work in the industry Level 2 Hair & Media Make-Up 4 GCSEs grade C or above including English and Art- related subject, and demonstrate a creative ability Level 3 Theatrical, Special Effects, Hair & Media Make-Up 5 GCSEs grade C or above including English Language and Art-related subject, and demonstrate a creative ability Work/Apprenticeship Higher education
Vocational (technical) routes: Hospitality Entry Introduction to Hospitality Industry Entry Level 2 in literacy and numeracy skills Level 1 (Certificate) Introduction to Hospitality Industry 2 GCSEs grade F or above in Maths and English (or equivalent) Level 1 (Diploma) Professional Cookery 4 GCSEs grade D or above, and demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm for a career within the catering industry Level 2 Professional Cookery Level 3 Professional Cookery Work/Apprenticeship Higher education Level 3 Hospitality Supervision 4 GCSEs grade C or above including Maths and English Language (or their equivalents) BTEC First at Merit/ Distinction plus GCSE grade C or above in Maths and English Language (or their equivalents)
Vocational (technical) routes: Engineering Level 1 Engineering and manufacturing 3 GCSEs grade E or above in Maths, English and either a Science or Design Technology (resistant materials), and demonstrate an interest and enthusiasm for engineering and working with your hands Level 2 Engineering and Technology 3 GCSEs grade D or above in Maths, English and either a Science or Design Technology (resistant materials), and demonstrate a strong interest in engineering Level 3 Engineering Technology 2 GCSEs grade C or above in English and Science, plus a maths at grade B or above, and demonstrate a high motivation and very strong interest in engineering Work/Apprenticeship Higher education
Level 2 Engineering 3 GCSEs grade D or above including Maths, English and a Science, plus interests and hobbies related to the world of engineering Level 3 Engineering 3 GCSEs grade C or above including English and a Science subject, plus GCSE grade B or above in Maths, and demonstrate an interest in engineering Vocational routes: Engineering Work/Apprenticeship Higher education
Vocational (technical) routes: Motor Vehicle Level 1 Certificate Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles 2 GCSEs grade F or above in Maths and English (or equivalent), and demonstrate mechanical aptitude Level 1 Diploma Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles 3 GCSEs grade D or above including Math English and a Science Level 2 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles Level 3 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles Work/Apprenticeship Higher education Completion of Diploma or Diploma Bridging units if Certificate Level 2 English and Maths Functional skills or ‘C’ grades in both
Level 2 Motor Vehicle Vocational routes: Motor Vehicle Level 3 Motor Vehicle 3 GCSEs grade C or above including English and a Science subject, plus GCSE grade B or above in Maths. Show interests and hobbies related to motor vehicle engineering Work/Apprenticeship Higher education 4 GCSEs grade D or above including Maths, English and a Science, plus interests and hobbies related to engineering
Vocational: Land based Entry Agriculture and Garden Design Animal and Equine Interview Level 1 Agriculture and garden design Animal and Horse care 4 GCSEs D to F including English and Maths Level 2 Garden Design and Agriculture Animal Care Horse Care 4 GCSE grade D or above and one grade C from either Science, English or Maths Level 3 Agriculture Animal care Horse Management 5 GCSEs grade C or above with at least 2 or 3 from maths, English or Science Higher education