Florida College Registrars & Admissions Officers (FCRAO) Fall 2014 Symposium Florida Department of Education State Update
Agenda Legislative UpdatesState Programs UpdatesResidency GuidelinesOSFA Projects
Legislative Updates HB 5001 General Appropriations Act HB 5101 (Conforming Bill)HB 851
Legislative Updates HB 5001 ProgramAppropriation Estimated Students to be Served Award Amounts Bright Futures $266.2 M127,573 Same as the AY FSAG$148.3 M137,000$2,610 FRAG$112.3 M37,453$3,000 ABLE$5.6 M3,793$1,500
State Program Updates Anticipate Fewer Eligible Students AY AY Initial Eligibility Test Scores Est. Students Initial Eligibility Test Scores Est. Students Florida Academic Scholarship 1280 / 2841, / 2939,617 Florida Medallion Scholarship 1020 / 22110, / 2686,706 Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship 1,6771,250 Total 154,160127,573
Legislative Updates HB 5101 Expands number of awards to 50 students, an increase from 25 Expands award amount to $6,100, an increase from $4,000 Rosewood Family Scholarship (for public institutions only)
Legislative Updates HB 5101 Awards students who attain National Merit or Finalist status Award = COA minus BF + National Merit Award See memo OSFA-STATE:#14- 15:10 (on the website) Florida Incentive Scholarship
Legislative Updates Amends determination of resident status for in-state tuition and fee waivers (s , F.S.) A student who is granted an out-of- state fee waiver is not eligible for state financial aid Amends s , Residency HB 851
Residency Guidelines Residency Guidelines available online at in Advising Manuals Residency Guidelineswww.flvc.org Residency and citizenship determinations are the responsibility of the postsecondary institution
State Program Updates Website Changes Consolidation of the menu bar items Listing of the program Fact Sheets on the Home Page Moving PSI links behind the login Consolidation of the Bright Futures into a Student Handbook Posting of all memos on the web
State Program Updates Website Changes
State Program Updates Website Changes
OSFA Projects National Training for Counselors and Mentors – NT4CM College Goal Sunday
OSFA Projects - NT4CM Extensive overview of: Federal and state financial aid programs and resources FAFSA questions Dependency issues Undocumented students Cost of attendance and award packaging Financial literacy
OSFA Projects – CGS!Florida CGS!Florida is a free, on-site program that helps students and families complete the FAFSA 44 sites throughout Florida 703 volunteers 1, 141 students assisted 1,199 parents assisted 866 FAFSAs initiated, partially or fully submitted
FAFSA Completion Initiative President Obama announced launch of an initiative to help ensure that more of America’s students take the first step towards college success: completing the FAFSA OSFA is working with the US Dept. of Ed to complete participation requirements Goal to add an indicator to the SSFAD to allow secondary districts and counselors to determine which students have completed the FAFSA
For More Information Lori Auxier Director of Outreach Services Brian Underhill Director of State Scholarships & Grants