What is the PSAT? Shortened version of the SAT When is the PSAT? ▫Wednesday Oct. 16 th 2013
What is the cost of the PSAT? The cost will be $14.00 The check should be made out to UDHS fund Please place the check in the envelope and bring to your homeroom The counselors will collect the money during homeroom on September 16,17,18 & 19
PSAT- Reading 48 Questions on Critical Reading ▫Reading Comprehension ▫Vocabulary PSAT- M ATH 28 Questions ▫18 multiple choice questions ▫10 free response
PSAT- Writing 39 Multiple Choice Questions ▫Questions are focused on: appropriate sentence structure sentence errors improving paragraphs
Preparation Read detailed descriptions in bulletin Complete practice test Take review course – Mrs. Leszczynski Purchase review book Private tutor Two courses available at Montgomery County Community College
Why Take The PSAT? ▫All 10 th and 11 th graders are taking the PSAT for practice purposes ▫To experience the testing environment ▫As a learning tool and jumping off point for college planning For 11 th grade only ▫National Merit Scholarship Program Only scores from 11 th grade PSAT can be used to qualify! Detailed explanation of the National Merit Scholarship Program can be found in bulletin
Scores Range from Average score on given section is 50 PSAT scores will not be sent to colleges Results come back in early December ▫You will receive scores along with your test book in homeroom ▫On the score report, students will receive a message about potential success in AP courses.
Scores When you answer a question correctly you earn points When you answer a question incorrectly, you are penalized ¼ of a point When you leave a question blank you are not penalized but do not earn points
My College Quick Start Score report will show a code for “My College Quick Start” on CollegeBoard website ▫View a study plan for SAT preparation ▫Experience a personalized college and career planning site Begin college search process View a tailored list of majors and courses
Test Day- Wednesday Oct. 16 th 2013 PSAT is taken on a regular school day Take regular bus to school The plan is for the test to be taken in homeroom Lunch will occur after the test ▫10 th grade - 10:30 am ▫11 th grade- 11:00 am Dismissal for all students at 11:30 am
Accommodations Extended time or other accommodations ▫Prior approval by CollegeBoard ▫Check the appropriate line on your registration envelope ▫Remember dismissal will be at 11:30 am for all students
Reminder Please DO NOT lose your bulletin and practice test (there are no replacements) Test is in 1 month (Wednesday Oct. 16 th, 2013) ▫Do your best to prepare now
Test Day Preparation Get enough rest Eat a complete breakfast Bring two Number 2 pencils Bring Eraser Bring Calculator
Thank you for your attention and good luck on test day!