三貂角磯釣場 Northeast Coast Natioanl Scenic Area Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.


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Presentation transcript:

三貂角磯釣場 Northeast Coast Natioanl Scenic Area Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

福隆海水浴場 Fulung Beach Resort Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

龍門河濱公園吊橋 Suspension Bridge of Lungmen Park Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

龍門河濱公園 Lungmen Beach Park Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

鹽寮海岸沙灘 The Coast of Beach Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

台北淡水關渡大橋 Guandu Bridge,Danshue,Taipei Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

台北捷運淡水站 MRT Danshuei Station Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

台北板橋林家花園 The Lin's Garden in Banqiao,Taipei Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

台北平溪線侯硐站蒸汽火車 Steam Train of Pingshi line,Taipei Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

台北新店濛濛谷 Mengmengku (in Hsintien,Taipei) Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆岩石 Stones at Keelung Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆碧砂漁港 Pisha Harbor, Keelung Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆和平島 Hepingdau Keelung Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆砲台 Gun Emplacement (Fort) Keelung Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆外木山 Waimushan Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆情人湖 Chingren Lake Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.

基隆港 Keelung Port Photos are provided by Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communications,R.O.C.