The course of a ship or plane is the angle measure clockwise from due North. An airplane travelled on a course of 210 A ship travelled on a course of 110
Match each compass direction with a course: Southeast 225 Northwest 315 Southwest 045 Northeast 135
The Compass Reading from one location to another is read from either the North or South. N10 ̊̊W S15 ̊̊W
The bearing from A to B is . What is the bearing from B to A?
Draw the diagram: A ship travels on a course of Draw the diagram: A ship travels on a course of . Then it changes course to due North. How far is the ship from the starting point?
Draw the diagram: A plane travels on a course of 320 then changes course to 200 . How far is the plane from the original starting point?
Ship A sights Ship B on a bearing of Ship A sights Ship B on a bearing of . Make a sketch and give the compass reading of Ship A from Ship B.
A plane flies 600 km on a course of 300 degrees A plane flies 600 km on a course of 300 degrees. It then flies south for a while and finally arrives on a 40 degree course to return to its starting point. Find the total distance traveled.
Town T is 8 km northeast of village V Town T is 8 km northeast of village V. City C is 4km from T on a bearing of 150 degrees from T. What is the bearing and distance of C from V?
From an iron gate, proceed 500 m northeast to the brook, then 300 m east along the brook to an old mill, then 200 m S15 E to a post on the edge of Wiggin’s Road, and finally along Wiggin’s Road back to the iron gate. Find the area of the region.