Reverberating Beyond the Region in Addressing Air Pollution in North- East Asia Sangmin NAM and Heejoo LEE UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East.


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Presentation transcript:

Reverberating Beyond the Region in Addressing Air Pollution in North- East Asia Sangmin NAM and Heejoo LEE UNESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia

Regional Environmental Governance Ecological Interdependence : geographical proximity, climatic contiguity and ecological interconnections Common pool resources Shared environmental resources Mutual Vulnerability Environmental Governance

geographic proximity regularity and intensity of interactions shared perceptions of the region Basic Foundation of Regional Cooperation

ASEAN Subregional Environment Programme (ASEP), 1977 South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP), 1981 South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), 1982 UNCED 1992 REG mechanisms in North-East Asia: (Sub)regional Environmental Governance in Asia and the Pacific

Mechanisms for Comprehensive Cooperation  NEASPEC ( Northeast Asian Subregional Program for Environmental Cooperation ) established in 1993, 6 countries  NEAC ( Northeast Asian Conference on Environmental Cooperation ) established in 1992, 5 countries (now discontinued)  TEMM ( Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting ) in 1999, 3 countries Mechanisms for Governing the Commons  NOWPAP ( Northwest Pacific Action Plan ) in 1994, 4 countries  EANET ( Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia ) in 1998, 13 countries  LTP ( Joint Research Project on Long Range Air Pollutants ) in 1995, 3 countries  East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network (EABRN) in 1994, 6 countries Formal Mechanisms for REG in NEA

Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) 7 Goal: reduce environmental impacts by acid deposition Membership: covering 13 countries with 54 monitoring sites 1993, expert meeting 1998, intergovt’ meeting 2012, Formal agreement- “Instrument”

Geographic scope: China, Japan and the Republic of Korea Programme scope: Monitoring and modeling including S-R relationship Subject scope: sulfur, nitrogen, PM, ozone and others Long-range Transboundary Pollution (LTP)

Estimate emissions among three countries Research on monitoring and modeling Produce S-R relationships among countries Establish a foundation for joint research Establish database on the concentration and emissions of air pollutants Establish a modeling system International cooperation forimproving air quality in Northeast Asia Research on the impacts of NOx, O3, and PM 1 st stage (’00~’04 ) 2nd stage (’05~’07) 3rd stage (’08~’12) Establishing institutional foundation Source: Lim-Seok, Chang (2011), Modeling results from LTP project Long-range Transboundary Pollution (LTP)

Concentrations and Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Aerosol Intensive Monitoring Long Term Monitoring Concentration of Gaseous and Aerosol Modeling Multi- models Concentration and Deposition Uncertainties in Emission Critical Load Domestic and Regional Control Policy Source- Receptor Relationship Emission Inventory Modeling S-R Relationship Satellite Airplane Ship Surface Point source Socioeconomic data Emission factors measurements

Modeling S-R Relationship

Monitoring Long-range Transport of Air Pollution Monitoring Stations of LTP

Implication of Modeling and Monitoring Value disparity exists among countries but significantly narrowed Not interference by politics in computing given data but in advancing overall modeling exercise scientific shortcomings in taking account of various factors (seasonal variations, microclimatic conditions, nonlinear chemical reactions, etc) Updated data with better quality Expanding data sharing with expansion of monitoring stations Expanding chemical species (O3, PM2.5, VOCs, POPs, etc) Technical measures

Implication in institutional context Conflicting national interests among initiators of each mechanism, and between source and receptor countries Limited model comparison work and policy linkage Limited participation of academic community, thereby weak epistemic community

 Harnessing benefits of knowledge and experiences from other regions to strengthen consensual knowledge NEA Atmospheric Governance: reverberate beyond the region TargetsNE AsiaEurope Acid deposition, Eeutrophication ○ (EANET, LTP)EMEP Photochemical Oxidnats ○ (LTP, TEMM Project) EMEP Heavy metals ○ (LTP)EMEP POPs △ (East Asia POPs Monitoring) EMEP PM ○ (LTP)EMEP Integrated Modeling×EMEP Emission Inventory △ (LTP, MICS-ASIA) EMEP Emission Process Model ○ (LTP)EMEP Openness×EMEP Collboration with HF-TAP× EMEP (HTAP)

 Identifying NEA’s linkages with emerging issues including Short- lived Climate Forcers (SLCF) including black carbon, methane, HFCs and tropospheric ozone  BC emissions: China: 1.5 million tons (CMA), Europe: 0.8 million tons (IIASA)  LTP and EANET: No related programme yet NEA Atmospheric Governance: reverberate beyond the region  CLRTAP: TF HTAP and Expert Group on Black Carbon Collaboration

Thank you