Wisconsin Long-Term Care System Informational Series The Basics of Family Care and Partnership
Family Care History - Long Term Care Redesign Timeline 1994 : Wisconsin began developing the Partnership Program, an integrated managed care model. November 1995:Long Term Care Redesign project was launched This process consisted of steering committees, focus groups, and a DHS LTC Redesign Committee. May 1997: DHS released its preliminary proposal for LTC Redesign and scheduled a series of public hearings. October 1997-March 1998: LTC Redesign Consolidated Steering Committee formed to address remaining issues with the proposal. Three workgroups formed and met during this time period January 1998: Governor Thompson announced the creation of Family Care in his State of the State Address May-July 1998: DHS further revised the draft proposal for LTC Redesign : Governor Thompson included Family Care in his proposed budget, which passed both houses of the Legislature in October : Fond du Lac, La Crosse, Milwaukee, and Portage Counties began offering Family Care. Richland County was added in : Wisconsin Act 20 authorized DHS to expand the Family Care program statewide in all counties that choose to participate in the program. 2014: Governor Walker announced plans to expand Family Care to seven Northeast counties in April and JFC formally approved expansion in November.
Role of the ADRCs Janet Zander, Advocacy & Public Policy Coordinator, Greater WI Agency on Aging Resources, Inc. and Former ADRC of Portage County Director
How Family Care Works Katie Mnuk, CEO of Lakeland Care District
Family Care Goals Choice Access Quality Cost-Effective
Interdisciplinary Team Family Care Social worker/care manager Registered Nurse Other professionals, as appropriate Family Care Partnership Social worker/care manager Registered Nurse Nurse Practitioner Other professionals, as appropriate The member, or a representative designated by the member, work with the Interdisciplinary Team to create a care plan that best meets their needs.
Family Care Members’ Satisfaction is Strong 93% of members were “always” or “most of the time” satisfied with the work of their nurse and care manager. 93% of members indicated they would “always” or “most of the time” recommend their MCO to a friend. 96% of members indicated they are “always” or “most of the time” happy with the quality of services they receive.
How Family Care Partnership Works Tom Lutzow, CEO of iCare
Role of the Interdisciplinary Team in Family Care Janet Ryndycz, Registered Nurse Care Manager, Lakeland Care District
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