Project Background Sponsors—North Carolina’s Northeast, North Carolina’s Eastern Region, and North Carolina’s Southeast Funding-Golden LEAF
Project Background Team Mary Ruffin Hanbury Nancy Morgan Carolyn Brackett Augie Carlino Lauren Finney
Scope of Work Asset Inventory/database Heritage Assets Report Marketing Research and Messages National Heritage Area feasibility study
Asset Inventory Supporting documentation for feasibility study Basic data Heritage, cultural and recreational assets Stand alone tool for entire region Emphasis on heritage sites Planned to be web-based ultimately 351 Entries to date
Heritage Assets Report Methodology Overall documentation “Visitor Ready” Criteria 81 site visits Throughout all three regions By all four team members Findings Status report Common needs
Marketing Research and Messages Looking at local and county tourism marketing messages Researching state and regional travel and tourism trends and statistics Surveying county tourism officials
National Heritage Area Feasibility Study National Park Service Requirements define study area draft public involvement strategy determine contribution to national heritage development of potential themes assessment of affected environment draft management alternatives draft preliminary impact assessment propose boundaries heritage area administration and feasibility evaluate public support and comments delivery of final feasibility study
What is a National Heritage Area? A National Heritage Area is a geographic region designated by Congress which possesses a landscape with “nationally distinctive natural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources that, when linked together, tell a unique story about our country” (National Park Service).
Heritage Area roles and qualities organization and a loose infrastructure coordinate activities collaborate on programming be competitive for funding opportunities a grassroots led phenomenon improves communication manage large cooperative efforts
develop a national brand a convener, bringing together the people that represent the area’s traditions and culture to facilitate discussion stewardship of the unique and special qualities and culture of a region protect those values most treasured by the community while sharing them with the larger world Heritage Area roles and qualities
National Heritage Areas Currently there are 49 National Heritage Areas in 29 states.
Why bother? 78 % of leisure travelers enjoy cultural or heritage activities while traveling – million annually The Cultural and Heritage Traveler, 2009 Edition Cultural and heritage travelers make an average of 5 trips per year vs. less than 4 for other travelers. They spend, on average, $ 994 per trip compared to $ 611 for all U.S. travelers.
Why bother? Greater understanding of local assets Encourage stewardship Build community pride Enhance quality of life
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