Israeli Dancing is both poised and energetic. Here the dancers begin in a circle Movement of dances can be both in and out. For those used to Ballroom, there obviously is no lead in this type of dancing known as circle Naomi’s Objectives for those dancing Smile – look as if enjoying it Take small and uniform steps Clap loudly
Watching the dancers intentlyClapping at the end of a dance Objectives of the audience and the retirement center Provide an afternoon of entertainment Increase cognitive awareness of those attending. (looking at dancing and counting dance steps is good for memory) Possible physical activity
Rob – leader of the Sunday Night Northeast Philadelphia session Naomi – Leader Of the Cherry Hill session
Resolution Of The Problem Modern digital cameras allow for several ways to meter light. Digital ESP - metering near and at the center Spot – Metering directly at the center Hi Spot – over exposure to deal with added whiteness SH (shadow metering mode) compensates for black objects in white backgrounds It’s possible that SH would have worked better Less light (or a direct light source) may need overexposure Overexposure increases shutter opening time Shutter Opening time blurs images Action Vs Light
Represented Community College Of Philadelphia at the event Found another place to retire when the need arises Got some exercise on that Sunday Apparently can do something different than computer program and lecture
The residents have some fun as they join the dancers in 2 easy circle dances
Rochelle, Ronnie, Etty, Deena, Naomi, Ruth, Rob, Debbie, Ilana, Malcha, Hannah, Sarah and our instructor, Professor Rauer
Created By Chau Dang – a student of Marc Rauer’s Intro To Computer Science Class