Teaching about angles
Angles all around Angles are found all around us
Existing syllabus The angles concept is based on early ideas of corners. Emphasis on naming angles NOT understanding the amount and direction of turning of an angle. Sharp and blunt angles. Use of a protractor caused confusion.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 Angles are used to describe: –the shape of a corner –direction –the amount of turning or opening –an inclination or slope Because angles arise in different ways in different situations, the topic can be difficult for students. Developing a sound understanding of angles is vital for further understandings in geometry.
Mathematics K In Stage 1 students identify corners as angles. Angles are compared by superimposing.
Mathematics K Stage 2 Recognise openings, slopes and turns as angles. Describe angles using everyday language and the term right. The students need practical experiences of creating, identifying and describing a range of angles.
Mathematics K Stage 3 Classify angles as acute, obtuse, reflex, straight or a revolution. Measure angles in degrees and use the symbol, ° for degrees. Construct angles using a protractor.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 Many students have difficulty in identifying and describing angles. When comparing the size of two angles, students are often confused by the length of the arms, and don’t measure the amount of turning.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 The Teaching about angles, Stage 2 resource provides support for teachers in implementing the new K -6 syllabus. There are assessment tasks that can be used prior to and after the implementation of a sequence of lessons on angles. The lessons provide experiences in many different angles the students encounter in varied situations.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 There are different sequences of lessons suggested. A Glossary is on page 11. Some activity sheets are provided to use with the lessons.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 Two-line angles Both arms of the angle are visible. Found in the corners of geometrical figures, angles made by human limbs, corners and intersections in our environment.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 One-line angles Only one arm of the angle is clearly visible. Includes doors, hands of a clock, sloping roofs, or slope of an incline.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 No-line angles Neither arm of the angle is visible. Examples are a ball rebounding from a wall or a light reflecting from a mirror.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 Students use a bent straw to measure angles.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 Angle testers are used to measure angles.
Teaching about angles Stage 2 With the angle testers, the students discover the size of different angles.