Your Mobile and Web Development Partner
Priit Salumaa
Development Services
Founders Asko Seeba CEO Linkedin: askoseeba Priit Salumaa VP of Sales Linkedin: salumaa Ahti Liin CTO Linkedin: ahtiliin Indrek Ulst Project Manager Linkedin: indrekulst
Company in numbers YearTeam sizeRevenue K K K K K?
Frontend & Backend Development FRONTEND Mobile Native and HTML5-hybrid Apps Current: iPhone, Android, Windows Phone Historical experience: Nokia Symbian ja Meego, BlackBerry, J2ME Web HTML5/CSS/JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, angular.js, Bootstrap, backbone.js, underscore.js, … (lots of frameworks) BACKEND PHP, Python, C/C++, Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Java,.NET Integrations and mashups: Popular public services: Facebook, Google Maps, Twitter, etc Private systems: Telecom, financial system and high-tech product backends Governmental systems: governmental registries and information systems integrations
Development Process Requirements specification & analysis User interface design Interaction Graphical Implementing Coding Version control QA Testing Issue tracking Fixing Deployment Development Testing Staging Production We are pragmatic and seek effective ways of achieving goals. While we know the popular methodologies, we are not biased. In general we just favour Agile Manifesto: We adapt to customer process, while giving advise if requested. We do what is necessary to deliver the required quality software
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