(Recruitment and Educational Assistance for Careers in Health) Service Learning Projects
I can say N CAN YOU? Project Massachusetts Youth Against Tobacco Taking Back Our Communities
Project Summary REACH youth and PVAHEC staff worked together to write a mini-grant proposal The main focus of the project was to gain an understanding of the perceptions held by Springfield teens of color towards tobacco advertising, target marketing and the use of tobacco. The REACH youth developed a survey which they used to collect data for use in a presentation to community stakeholders The REACH youth developed a survey which they used to collect data for use in a presentation to community stakeholders The REACH youth created a multi-faceted presentation incorporating artistic elements with data
About the Survey: Youth who took the survey were residents of Springfield between the ages of The survey was created by the REACH after school program participants. The survey was created to help us learn what Springfield youth of color think about tobacco ad’s, smoking & chewing tobacco. Tobacco in the survey referred to cigarettes, chewing tobacco and cigars. The survey was completely confidential and names were not associated with the answers. The survey was completely confidential and names were not associated with the answers.
Observations made based on their survey data Most of the youth surveyed claimed that they were not currently smokers and did not plan to start smoking in the future On average they had very few friends that used tobacco products Yet most of the youth surveyed believed more than half of the youth in the state were smokers The REACH youth believed that the difference of youth perception to the reality (that less 16% of youth in MA smoke) was in part related to the billions of dollars a year that tobacco companies spend on advertising.
Research & Creating the Surveys
Practicing Collecting Surveys and Surveying
Putting it all together for a Presentation
Stepping it up (Tobacco 101 with Dance)
Promoting the Event (Local radio & print media – flyers and blasts)
The Presentation at City Hall
The Presentation at City Hall (REACH youth with Mayor Sarno)
I can say N CAN YOU? Project 84 Movement Taking Back Our Communities
Project Summary REACH youth and PVAHEC staff worked together to the write the mini-grant proposal The main focus of the project was to conduct community surveys of the retail advertising and availability of “other tobacco products” Other Tobacco Products, or OTP’s are tobacco products other than cigarettes. Big Tobacco has introduced a rash of new products over the past decade, often in flavors that attract youth and younger children
Project Summary The REACH youth surveyed over 40 tobacco retail stores in their community The REACH youth then took the data from the surveys and held 3 presentations of the results to stakeholders – most notably on Kick Butts Day at the Statehouse in Boston with over 200 other youth from around the state Our youth shared their information with legislators – visiting the offices of our local State Representatives, State Senators and Governor Deval Patrick
Collecting the Surveys
Sharing Information with the Community
Kick Butts Day The March & The Presentation
On the Grand Staircase and with Legislators at the main event
Speaking to the Media
Making Headlines
Building on the Research The results from the surveys the last two years had shown us that the most widely used tobacco products in Springfield by youth were Blunt Cigars, Tip Cigars and Cigarillos These products were available at 95% of the stores we surveyed (over 80% of the time with flavored options) and advertised frequently on their storefronts These products are very cheap all ranging from $0.75 to $1.50 With this information in mind we as a movement came up with our next steps for this upcoming year
Service Learning Project Expected Deliverables We will go out into the community and conduct community surveys on Other Tobacco Products by the middle of December 2010 We will ask youth and adults about their opinions around the pricing and packaging of blunt cigars, tip cigars and cigarillos. –We will record their answers to the survey questions on a form provided to us by the 84 Movement We will then send in the completed surveys to the 84 Movement and they will compile the data and give us the results
Resolution Presentations Expected Deliverables (continued) With the survey data we will create a presentation We will make TWO presentations of the survey results to stakeholders One will be with the Public Health Council and the other to the City Council We will also make a presentation of the survey results at the Kick Butts Day event at the Statehouse in Boston in March We will also meet with state legislators to inform him/her of our efforts while at the Statehouse on Kick Butts Day