Head, Neck, Face, Eye, and Chest Injuries EMT 100
Closed Head Injury
Open Head Injury
Head Injury Signs & Symptoms Change in LOC Headache Unilateral weakness or paralysis Unequal pupils N & V Seizures Pallor Incontinence Drainage from ears or nose Speech disturbances
Head Injury Treatment Maintain ABCs Immobilize head and neck Apply loose dressings to wounds/bleeding Reassure Get follow up medical help, eg activate EMS
Head Injury Facial Injury Expect airway problems! Teeth, blood and vomitus Penetrating injury to cheek: only time a penetrating object can be removed
Head Injury Injury to the Neck Voice box (larynx) Windpipe (trachea) Spinal cord Apices (tips) of lungs Major vessels Blood loss Air emboli Brain damage
Neck Injury Treatment Maintain ABCs Immobilize head and neck Cover wounds with loose dressing Tape in place to secure Reassure Get follow up medical help, eg, activate EMS
Eye Injuries Generally, leave the victim’s contact lenses in place
Chemical splash in eye Flush injured eye with water Acids about 5-10 minutes Alkalines about minutes Until patient feels relief
Eye Injury (cont.) Cover BOTH eyes with loose dressing! Seek follow up medical care
Burns to the eye and eyelid(s) Cover both eyes with moist, but loose dressing Get immediate medical help
Lacerations/Avulsions to the eye Cover both eyes with loose dressings Get immediate medical care
Complete eye avulsion Cover uninjured eye Pad avulsed eye with moist dressings Tape protective cup over it Get immediate medical care
Object(s) in eye If on surface, try to flush out Seek follow up medical care
Detached Retina Usually seen with head/eye trauma or diabetes Eye pain plus increasing blind spot Immobilize head & neck Cover both eyes Lay patient flat Activate EMS
Hyphema – bleeding into or from the iris (colored part of eye) Seen with trauma to eye orbit Blood oozes from iris or into it Immobilize head and neck Cover both eyes Raise head and shoulders Activate EMS
Chest Injury May be due to blunt or penetrating injury May cause damage to: Heart Lungs Major Blood Vessels
Chest Injury Broken Ribs Pain that gets worse with breathing or any movement Difficulty breathing Discoloration Treat by stabilizing Have patient lay on affected side
Chest Injury Penetrating Injury Stabilize any implaed objects – Do NOT Remove! If sucking chest wound, cover with three sided dressing
Three Sided Dressing