Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Trial Study Key Points
Inclusion Criteria O Trauma Patients over age 18 with sustained blunt or penetrating injury within 3 hours of patient contact time O *Trauma base hospital contact is mandatory*
Inclusion Criteria O Prehospital TXA should be considered for any 18 years or older trauma patient with: O SBP < 90 at any point during patient contact/transport O Blunt or penetrating mechanism within 3 hours of patient contact with signs/symptoms of hemorrhagic shock
High Risk Patients O High risk patients: O Signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic shock O EBL of 500 mL with a heart rate greater than 120 or SBP < 90 O Uncontrollable bleeding O Amputation above wrist(s) or ankle(s)
Exclusion Criteria O Under 18 years of age O Any thromboembolic events within the past 24 hours (Stroke, MI, PE) O 3 hours post injury O Hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reaction to TXA O Some specific injuries are excluded as well
Exclusion Criteria O Injury exclusion criteria: O Penetrating cranial injury O Isolated hanging/drowning O TBI with exposed brain matter O Cervical injury with motor deficit O Traumatic arrest with 5 minutes or more of CPR with no ROSC
Documentation O Description of injury/injuries to patient(s), time of injury – key point! O Flex field added to Sansio when TXA selected to be administered O Trial Study tab activated in MEDS for AMR crews
Data elements O Date / time O Incident number O Patient age/gender/weight/race/ethnicity and allergies and history / estimated blood loss O Type of injury (blunt/penetrating) O Time and mechanism of injury O Trauma triage criteria met O TXA dose/route/time of admin O Vital signs pre/post TXA admin – include GCS, full BP, skin signs,
cQI O After TXA Administration, complete your documentation and notify your cQI department O 100% audit of all TXA PCR’s O Following patient in hospital for continuum of care O Monitoring 24 hour mortality/morbidity O Monitoring 48 hour mortality/morbidity O Length of hospital stay and hospital disposition