FY 2015 Appropriations Narrow Passage of HR 83 to avert a government shutdown House passed ( ) Senate passed (56-40)
Appropriations Research Agency FY 14President’s Budget FY 15 - ARS$1,100 M - ERS$78.1 M$83.4 M$85.4 M - NASS$161.2 M$179.0 M$172.4 M - NIFA$772.6 M$837.7 M$786.9 M - AFRI$316.4 M$325.0 M
Change in Leadership The House Agriculture Committee Chaired by Rep. Michael Conaway (R) of Texas. Rep. Ranking Member, Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota (D) House Appropriations Committee Chaired by Hal Rogers (R KY – 5). Ranking Member: Nita Lowey (D NY- 17) Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Chaired by Representative Robert Aderholt (R) of Alabama.
Change in Leadership The Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee Chaired by Kansas Senator Pat Roberts (R). Senate Appropriations Chaired by Senator Thad Cochran (R). Subcommittee on Agricultural Appropriations will likely be chaired by Senator Roy Blunt (R MO).
Draft Goals for 2015 NCFAR lunch-n-learn briefings Healthy Ag./Healthy People Letter to appropriations committees urging a hearing on food and ag. research Senate House Organize and conduct information sharing meetings with appropriations committee staff to highlight the value of, and innovations advanced by REE-funded research, education, and extension programs.
Draft Goals for 2015 Organize and conduct information sharing meetings with ag. committee staff to highlight the value of, and innovations advanced by REE- funded research, education, and extension programs. Regular appropriations letters/testimony expressing support Editorials/letters to the editor Seek NCFAR Board member engagement to increase attention to the value of food and agricultural research through editorials/letters to the editor in national and/or local press. What do members expect from their involvement in NCFAR and how can we strategize long-term to develop related goals and supportive action?
Survey and Next Meeting What do you want out of your affiliation with ROC? Please take a quick survey here: Send your input by the next meeting! Please mark your calendar and plan to attend the next ROC meeting on Jan. 27, 2015 from 3:00– 4:30pm ET at C-FARE’s offices, 900 2nd St. NE, Suite 205, Washington DC.
International Agricultural Research Rajiv Shah, administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, will leave the agency in mid-February. HR 5656, which would codify the Feed the Future initiative, which provides food and nutrition aid to combat food insecurity in selected developing countries. HR 5656 would authorize funding for the program up to $1 billion in FY15. The partner bill in the Senate (S 2909) would authorize the program through This was included in the FY 2015 Appropriations Bill passed this weekend.