Students Who Are Gifted and Underachieving: Why & What Can We Do? Victoria B. Damiani, Ed.D., NCSP Director, IUP Center for Gifted Education
Multiple Causes Inappropriate expectations Inadequate/Inappropriate educational programming Family factors Personal characteristics
Inappropriate Expectations Incomplete assessments Assessments misread or not read Disabilities or emotional factors missed Program doesn’t match assessment results
Educational Programming Fails to challenge Not academic Study skills not developed Not enough time spent with other capable students Anti-intellectual climate Student’s interests ignored Crazy schedule
Family Factors Disorganization Conflict (often between father & son, but daughters can also be affected) Modeling underachievement Modeling devaluation of educational system UA a form of aggression against parent Parents take on too much responsibility Parents have inappropriate expectations
Characteristics of Student Lack of motivation Negative feelings about school Poor study/work skills Inaccurate beliefs about self/school Fear of success/failure Poor concentration
But, Most Common Factors Are: Inability to self-monitor in learning & performanceInability to self-monitor in learning & performance Lack of motivationLack of motivation Emotional issues such as perfectionism and depressionEmotional issues such as perfectionism and depression Inappropriate educational programmingInappropriate educational programming
Intervention Begin with educational program Least intrusive Required by regulation Carries potential for prevention of UA in other students Most research available Expertise present among educators
To assess appropriateness of program for any student you must know at least: Academic levels/skills in reading and math (Standardized & curriculum based) Achievement history Study & work habits Results of any full MDT assessments Adjust program accordingly/Share with student & parents
Move Next to Related Services that are Educational in Nature Career exploration Real world experiences Study/organizational skill instruction Relationship with adult Exploration of student interests Educational time spent with other capable students Variety of extra-curricular activities
Thirdly, fully evaluate self- monitoring, social, emotional, & family issues Depression Perfectionism Anxiety Family factors Student’s self-regulation & self-messages
Depression May present as disinterest May present as anger/rebellion Will be evident in other parts of child’s life Is treatable Requires careful psychological assessment that can be done at school Will most likely be treated outside of school, but a school component is essential
Perfectionism May begin work but not complete May do one part of assignment well and others not at all Pattern usually evident over time May be familial connection Interventions can be done at school if symptoms are not too severe
Anxiety May be related to one subject only May be related to one activity only, such as testing May coexist with perfectionism Can appear with or without a history Can be addressed at school if focused and not generalized If addressed outside will need a school component as well
Family Factors Accurate information about student’s strengths & needs may help May be related to family cognitions about giftedness Will often be evident if parents & student are seen together May generalize beyond academics Can be addressed at school if focus is on school-related issues & intervener is appropriately trained
Student Self-regulation & messages Cognitions regarding giftedness Self-reports of thoughts & feelings when doing academic work Metacognitive interview (Rafoth, 1999) Time and materials report
Cogntive-Behavioral Interventions Goal setting & Tracking (teach to record their own behavior) Modeling (self-messages for organization) Organization (step by step through a project) Rubrics for self-evaluation
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions Have student practice positive self-talk Teach relaxation techniques Teach self-reward Use self-report rating scales to get baseline & assess progress Student participation in development of plan is essential