Boyertown Area School District Acceptable Use Policy
Why computers in school? The School District provides computer systems to employees, students, and others so that they can work together to achieve the educational purpose and mission of the School District. Used for instructional purposes, the use shall be consistent with the curriculum adopted by BASD.
Does not endorse all content accessed by students. Is not responsible for any information lost, damaged, or unavailable when using the network for information via the internet. Is not responsible for any charges or fees resulting from access to internet. Boyertown Network Use
Access to the School District CIS systems is a privilege, not a right. No expectations of privacy Access can be denied to unauthorized, inappropriate, or illegal users. Report any violations or suspicious activities. Boyertown Network Use
What activities are prohibited? Going to web pages with inappropriate material –Obscene –Sexually explicit –Child Pornographic –Hateful –Illegal –Defamatory –Lewd –Vulgar –Profane –Rude –Inflammatory –Threatening –Harassing –Discriminatory –Violent –Bullying/cyber-bullying –Terroristic –Advocating destruction of property
Boyertown May Restrict The right to access… Any internet sites Functions Software Servers Deemed inappropriate
Boyertown May authorize Temporary disabling of… Internet blocking/filtering Software
Safety No personal information revealed Control of access by users Safety and security of users when using forms of direct communication Unauthorized disclosure Restriction of users
What are acceptable uses? Classroom activities Locating materials to help in learning Finding information for school related research Career development Communications for educational purposes Other uses in support of school work
Facilitating illegal activity Commercial or for-profit purpose Non-work or non-school related work Product advertisement Political lobbying Bullying/Cyber-bullying Language, actions, and/or statements that are in violation of law or BASD policies What activities are prohibited?
Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted materials Accessing, sending, receiving, transferring, viewing, sharing, or downloading obscene or illegal images. Material harmful to minors Transmission of offensive or objectionable material What activities are prohibited?
Loading or using of unauthorized games, programs, files, or other media. Disruption of the work of others Destruction, modification, abuse or unauthorized access to network hardware, software, or files Disabling or bypassing Internet blocking software
Communications that are inappropriate or not school related –Threats –Hate mail –Harassing messages –Discriminatory words –Offensive language –Profanity –Vulgar words – Inflammatory statements Instant messaging What activities are prohibited?
Using another student’s account Sharing passwords Accessing a password protected area Plagiarism - using another person’s work as if it were your own, without giving them credit What activities are prohibited?
Using the Internet or in any way that would interfere with or disrupt its use by others –Destroying district computer hardware or software –Destroying other students files –Implanting viruses –Sending chain mail or broadcast messages –Disabling virus protection software or procedures –Changing computer settings What activities are prohibited?
NO!!! Social networking web sites and chat rooms. –Facebook –Twitter What activities are prohibited?
Personal Devices Use of personal devices during class time is at the discretion of the teacher with responsibility of the classroom. May not use cellular or other data networks to which the user may have access. Must comply with districts policies
Personal Devices May be confiscated at any time May restrict services Must be registered before use on network NO CAMERAS!!! Not liable for lost or damaged items
Never give out personal information (yours or another person’s) –Full name, age –Address, phone number –School you attend –Social security number Don’t post your picture Change passwords frequently Are students safe? Visit for tips, advice and suggestions about online safely!
Report any threatening or unwelcome messages NEVER agree to meet someone you met online Are students safe?
Is copying OK? Respect copyrights Requesting permission to use copyrighted materials Comply with license agreements Copyright law does not allow Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted material Distributing copyrighted materials Illegal installation of copyrighted software or files Do not plagiarize works found on the Internet Crash Course In Copyright
What is your responsibility? Sign the AUP –To say you have read and you understand the Acceptable Use Policy –To say you will comply with the Acceptable Use Policy Have your parents sign the AUP –To say they have read and they understand the Acceptable Use Policy –To say they went over it with you –To say that you will abide by its requirements
What is your responsibility? Students must practice proper computer and Internet etiquette Students must report actions by others that are not in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy, such as but not limited to: –Sharing passwords –Using the computer accounts of others –Changing communications with the intent to deceive –Using the computer to engage in any illegal act –Disabling virus protection software –Receiving any message in violation of this policy –Coming across inappropriate material –Changing computer settings
What if you break the rules? Disciplinary action will be tailored to meet the violation If an action violates the Student Disciplinary Code it will be handled in accordance with the appropriate provision of the Code Network and Internet access could be terminated Violations may be reported to the appropriate legal authorities Users shall be responsible for damages to equipment, systems, and software
How will the District know? The District has the right To monitor, track, and log any network activities and electronic communications To examine contents of users’ personal files To block Internet sights it considers inappropriate To determine if an activity not appearing in the AUP is acceptable use To remove files, , unlicensed software, and unauthorized downloads To monitor and allocate file server space To remove user accounts To deny user privileges
District Disclaimers The District shall not be responsible: For any information that may be lost For material that is retrieved by the Internet (it’s accuracy, quality, content) Any fees or financial obligations resulting from use of the system Damages arising out of the use of the computer