W HAT IS A T ITLE II P LAN ? The district describes how it will ensure that all teachers are highly qualified and effective to facilitate increased academic achievement of all students.
C OMPREHENSIVE N EEDS A SSESSMENT Determine the needs of the teaching force. Identify local teacher quality needs. Identify those areas that an LEA should strengthen as part of a meaningful plan for professional development and hiring. Shall take into account the activities that need to be conducted in order to give teachers the means, including subject-matter knowledge and teaching skills, and to give principals the instructional leadership skills to help teachers to provide students with the opportunity to meet challenging State and local student academic achievement standards.
D EVELOPMENT OF THE P LAN Must include consultation with: Teachers Paraprofessionals Principals Parents Administrators Other Relevant personnel
T ITLE II P LAN I NSTRUCTIONS Use the “Instructional Prompt” for each question to assist with the development of the district’s responses. All responses and activities must be linked to the results of the comprehensive needs assessment.
Q UESTION 1 1. Provide a descriptive summary of your comprehensive needs assessment highlighting leading factors surrounding professional development activities and the need for Class Size Reduction teachers. [Section 2122 (b)(8)] Instructional Prompt: Was the need for Title II, Part A funds identified by following a series of steps, beginning with identifying needs in schools which have priority for Title II, Part A funds and then considering the needs of the LEA in general? Once the needs were identified, did the LEA consider ways in which Title II, A funds could support recruitment, training, induction, professional development, retention, and class size reduction activities in order to meet those needs?
Q UESTION 1. Appropriate Response: As a result of the teacher surveys, 79% responded that additional training is needed in the areas of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Response to Intervention (RtI), and technology use. Additionally, district and State test scores were reviewed for each school in the district and it was found that Emanuel Middle School 6th grade math scores were insufficient. The teacher/student ratio was 30:1 with 3 classes totaling 90 students. Based on this assessment there is a need for a Class Size Reduction (CSR) teacher. Inappropriate Response: Survey results demonstrated an improvement in communication among administrators, parents, and teachers; a need for adequate security measures on campus, additional Advanced Placement courses and in-school tutoring.
Q UESTION Describe the activities to be carried out and how they are aligned with challenging State standards. [Section 2122 (b)(1)(A)(i)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description identify the MS Framework and give a clear explanation of the professional development activity, how it is aligned and evidence to support this alignment?
Q UESTION 2. Appropriate Response: The district will provide professional development activities centered on Integrating Technology in Instruction which aligns with the Business and Technology Framework. The district will also provide activities focused on curriculum development for K-12 math which aligns with the Mathematics Framework. Inappropriate Response: All of the district’s professional development activities are aligned to State standards.
Q UESTION Provide a description of how the activities will be based on a review of scientifically based research and an explanation of why the activities are expected to improve student academic achievement. [Section 2122 (b)(1)(B)] Instructional Prompt: Are the proposed activities based on and include examples of research [i.e., proven programs, practices and methods] that have been accepted by a peer- review journal or panel of experts? Does the description explain how the LEA expects the professional development activity to increase student performance based on this research?
Q UESTION 3. Appropriate Response: The district will provide sites with data and professional development aligned to State Content Standards, assessment, and research-based instructional practices. All instructional materials will be aligned to State Content Standards and teachers will be trained to use them appropriately in the core content areas. First year teachers will be assigned a veteran teacher mentor to provide support for the first three years of employment. In addition, the district has established Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at each school to address the academic needs of all students. Inappropriate Response: Research demonstrates that smaller class sizes increase student achievement.
Q UESTION Provide a description of how the activities will have a substantial, measurable, and positive impact on student academic achievement and how the activities will be used as part of a broader strategy to eliminate the achievement gap that separates low-income and minority students from other students. [Section 2122 (b) (2)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description explain how the LEA plans to infuse the professional development activities into the overall plan to increase academic achievement for all students and what the expected outcome will be?
Q UESTION 4. Appropriate Response: The district will transfer experienced teachers to lower performing schools and provide additional professional development to novice teachers. Thereby creating an equitable distribution of highly qualified teachers across the district. This will provide all students with equal access to highly qualified instruction, as a result, test scores will increase by 5%. Inappropriate Response: The activities are centered on scientifically based research which indicates that the activities should have a positive impact on student academic achievement.
Q UESTION Describe how the LEA will coordinate professional development activities authorized under Title II, Part A with professional development activities provided through other Federal, State and local programs. [Section 2122(b)(4)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description explain how the LEA plans to integrate funds and include examples of activities that will be available? Does the description list the appropriate funding source, (i.e., Title I, Part A, Title VI, Part B or with any district funds the LEA has available)?
Q UESTION 5. Appropriate Response: Title II, Part A funds will support the costs for new teachers’ participation in an intensive, structured instruction program and the stipends for their support providers. Literacy Coaches, Instructional Coaches and Lead Teachers paid from Title I, Part A and Title II, Part A funds are assigned to schools to provide professional development services specific to their sites and implement general initiatives. Inappropriate Response: The district will coordinate professional development activities with Title I, Part A; Title VI, Part B; and district funds.
Q UESTION Provide a description of the professional development activities that will be made available to teachers and principals under Title II, Part A and how the LEA will ensure that the professional development needs of teachers and principals will be met using the Title II, Part A funds. [Section 2122(b)(5)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description provide a narrative of the LEA’s professional development plan/calendar for the school year keeping in mind that District and local school personnel should be surveyed to ensure that the activities relate to the needs assessment?
Q UESTION 6. Appropriate Response: Eligible teachers will participate in an approved professional instruction program. In appropriate cases, principals will participate in leadership academies sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) or other approved professional group. Inappropriate Response : No funds will be used for professional development under Title II, Part A.
Q UESTION Describe how funds will be integrated under Part A with funds received under Part D (E2T2) that are used for professional development to train teachers to integrate technology into curricula and instruction to improve teaching, learning, and technology literacy. [Section 2122(b)(6)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description explain how Title II, Part A and Title II, Part D funds will be coordinated and integrated for technology instruction?
Q UESTION 7. Appropriate Response: Teachers will be trained to use technology to impact classroom instruction to increase student achievement. Teachers will also have access to technology and in-service training in the use of technology. Inappropriate Response: Title II, Part A staff members are on the technology team and participate in the decision of the technology for the district.
Q UESTION 8 8. Describe how the LEA, teachers, paraprofessionals, and principals, other relevant school personnel, and parents have collaborated in the planning of activities to be carried out under Title II, Part A and in the preparation of the application. [Section 2122(b)(7)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description explain the process used to plan professional development activities (i.e., were planning teams developed, was each stakeholder represented, were meetings held)? Did the team collaborate on the creation of the professional development plan and completion of the application?
Q UESTION 8. Appropriate Response: The Davis School District has school site teams who meet quarterly to plan professional development activities. The team consists of parent representatives, teachers, teacher aides and community members. A needs assessment survey is completed by all stakeholders and assessed by the site team to devise the professional development plan. Inappropriate Response: The federal programs director, building level administrators and the Superintendent meet to determine the program schedule.
Q UESTION Provide a description of how the LEA will provide training to enable teachers to teach and address the needs of students with different learning styles, particularly students with disabilities, students with special learning needs (including students who are gifted and talented), and students with limited English proficiency: improve student behavior in the classroom and identify early and appropriate interventions to help students learn; involve parents in their child’s education; and understand and use data and assessments to improve classroom practices and student learning. [Section 2122(b) (9) (A) (B) (C) (D)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description provide a summary/listing of the types of professional development activities that will be offered to address each of the specific needs including the name of the professional development activity and the need the activity will address?
Q UESTION 9. Appropriate Response: General and Special Education teachers will attend professional development that addresses best practices to meet the needs of targeted students, (i.e., Teaching Diverse Learners, Difficult Parent Conversations: Strategies for Special Education Teachers). Teachers will be trained to utilize data to assess student progress and when appropriate, refer students to Teacher Support Teams (TST) for assistance. Inappropriate Response: Breakfast invitations to eat with their child, grandchild, son and/or daughter involve parents as does welcoming them as readers, volunteers in class and at extra-curricular activities.
Q UESTION Provide a description of how the LEA will use Title II, Part A funds to meet the requirements of section 1119 qualifications for teachers and paraprofessionals. [Section 2122(b)(10)] Instructional Prompt: Does the description include activities/strategies that the LEA will develop to support teachers in becoming highly qualified (i.e., paying the cost of additional required courses, paying the costs of State test)? Does the plan include an annual increase in the number of highly qualified teachers at each school and that receive high quality professional development?
Q UESTION 10. Appropriate Response: Title II, Part A funds will be used to pay the cost of State tests (i.e., Praxis) required of new teachers to determine whether they have subject matter competence. As a result, the district will increase its highly qualified teachers by 5%. The district will support new teaches through mentors and provide training and course work opportunities for teachers. Inappropriate Response: The district does not currently employ any teachers or paraprofessionals who are not highly qualified.